Sunday, November 17, 2013

Truth about your pregnancy glory!

Many women look forward to finding out what their pregnancy will be like, I know I tried imagining it so many times. Even at a young age, we would put pillow or a ball in our shirt and say "this is what I will look like when I'm pregnant". But pregnancy is not anything you can imagine until you've gone or your going through it. I have imagine my big round belly, my pregnancy glow, even my pregnancy swag also known as your waddle. I imagined it would be a beautiful time. And was looking forward to that bond between just you and your baby, that everyone talks about. All this is true, it is beautiful and an amazing time and I wouldn't change it for the world. But I want to put a different prospective on it all, the one where most pregnant women feel at some point of there pregnancy.

We've all heard the term pregnancy glow, and we all dream of having it. But when someone tells me I have a glow this is more what I'm thinking.
I hope they mean that glow and not my face is oil again, because my hormones are making me extra greasy.
oh gosh my skin was so dry this morning, did I put on to much cream?
Can they tell I just huffed and puffed up the stairs, am I sweating or something?

When I was in my first trimester and people told me not to worry it will get better in your second, I sometimes wanted to slap them! (hormones much?) My thoughts that ran through my mind were, you think I care about what it will be like in 6 weeks from now? All I want is it for it to be better now!
Is that what you told yourself, and did that help you get through your first trimester?
As soon as my second trimester hit, my expectation were so high, that I was so disappointed. My morning sickness did not get better, I did not get that boost of energy I did not get less tired. If anything it was worst or harder from the expectations I had that your second trimester is easier. (It finally got better at 41/2 months)

The guess what I'm having game that everyone loves to play seem strange, boy or girl? There's really not that many options, I'm not going to deny that I play it as well. But unless my baby is being some kind of alien, when I give birth someone outs there's ganna say I TOLD YOU SO! So everyone can guess all they want, change your mind ten times if you'd like, but I won't change the odds of it being one or the other!
Who loves that feeling when your baby's moves around? I know I do! But how about feeling it for the first time? For me it was freaky.... There a baby/human an alive thing moving inside of me that I can feel! FREAKY!
I do love the feeling and I even eat green apples (it has a lot of sugar) when I want to feel it get really hyper. But no one enjoys when it starts hitting you in ribs or kicked you in the bladder, or my personal favorite, my spin!
You can't forget about, that satisfied feeling when you finally are able to sit up in bed after trying three different ways.
How about that satisfying feeling when you finally made it to the bathroom to pee for the 5th time in the hour?.... Oh wait there is no satisfying feeling!
You drop something on the floor and try to reach it but something/someone's in your way!
Can you tie/zip your shoe or boots? Iv actually been thankful, I found some flexible gymnastic style way of reaching me shoes.
When people ask "does your husband love feeling the baby move"? I replay nicely saying yes, when in reality it took days for him to get it the first time, and well be lucky to do it again. Every time he tried the baby stopped, we always try but it's not as easy as it seems, I think we have to wait till it's gets bigger, to really feel it move.
I kept this one for last who loves the saying "Your bump is adorable, you didn't get fat at all, you look so cute"? Let's break down the sentence
A: My bump is adorable ... I tried so hard hiding it and took hours to find an outfit that wouldn't make it so noticeable, thanx for noticing it.
B: I didn't get fat... Really because the scale says so and I clearly have a belly and I feel huge so... Thanx?
C: Cute ... I look cute? I just spent hours trying to do my hair and make up to be pretty, but I look cute?

Yes pregnancy is a beautiful time, but not always is it so beautiful. And it's ok to feel that way, our body goes through crazy changes and some of us experience some interesting symptoms. Instead of hiding behind your so called 'glory of pregnancy' embrace your not such glorious moment by telling it as a funny story everyone has these moments!

P.s how's your memory?

Tomorrow post will be an interviewing from a mom of two adorable children!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!!
First doctors appointment!
Babies heart beat!
My no show baby bump!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

These photos are not my own!