Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My pregancy profile!

I pulled out my phone and stared at the blank page in front of me, waiting for me to write something for today's post. But I had no idea what to write about today, I have so many topics, but I just wasn't in the mood of them. I'm in a very blah mood today, looks like it will be a lazy day. I had a good night sleep, but I'm still exhausted, I guess third trimester does that to you. As I pondered about what to write, I came a cross an idea. What do I like to write most about, pregnancy and my own personally stories. So why not do that for today post? I came up with the idea of a profile, so here's my profile!

Name- Chumy Herman
Birthday- December 12 1992
Age- 20 (until tomorrow, then I'll be 21)
Height- 5'3
Weight- Now at 31 weeks, 133
Due date- February 11 i'yh
Baby gender- It's a surprise!!!
Craving- Not so much a craving but I want a good Starbucks, something with Carmel!!
Go to food- Green apples
Best sleeping position- My tummy or left side
Favorite breakfast- Yogurt with cereal and fresh fruit or chocolate milk!
Favorite lunch- It's usually more like brunch
Favorite supper- Anything I have in house
Favorite snack- Pop chips original flavor
Favorite time of day- When I finally fall asleep
Hobbies- My blog
Me time- A long bath with candles and bubbles
Pain today- My back of course!
Complaints- Too many!
Excited about- My birthday!!
Disappointments- Spending my birthday tomorrow at Lamaze class!
Worries- Slipping on the ice
Loving- My baby
Looking forward to- The weekend
Favorite song- Now it is Celine Dion- somebody loves somebody. I play it for my baby, even though It has nothing to do baby's.
Need to do- Fold the laundry
Feeling- Tired
Must have- My body pillow wherever I sleep
Can't handle- Scrambled eggs
Want- February already
Mood- Blah
Baby's size- About 16 inch
Baby's weight- About 3 pounds
Baby's mood- Calm
Baby like- Apples
Baby doesn't like- Fried food
Baby loves- MOMMY AND DADDY!!

I'm sure there are many other things I could have written, but these where the ones I could think of. I'll do a profile once in while, I found it fun doing, and quite insigntful. Make one of your own, and you can send me it, I would love to read them. I can even share them, so others can see how different everyone is.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries! 
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!