To all you moms out there, give yourself a huge pat on your back, you all deserve it! Over this weekend I got a little preview of what after birth would be like. The amount of time, energy and people it takes to take care of one tiny little thing. You moms are something's special, being in physical pain, emotionally drain and extremely tired, no matter how much you slept, you take care of your babies with such love and care.
When your babies cry for no reason, they are just crying because their a baby, and you feel so hopeless. All you wanna do is cry with them, because you care so much. No matter what physical pain the birth gave you, has no effect on your love for your baby what so ever. I find it amazing how moms can put all that past them to physical care for there baby. I wonder if it even crosses your mind, how all the pain and tiredness is truly because of giving birth to your baby. But yet they are never the ones blamed for any of it.
I am now excited to be mom, to know and understand the true meaning of love with out benefits. But I am now also scared and nervous, how will I cope with the pain, the tiredness, and everything else after birth has to offer. Will I be able to nurse/physical provided food for my child? Will I wake up from it crying right away? What's if I don't hear it and it's crying for a few minutes already? Will I need the extra help from family, and maybe even a nurse to help?
So many questions and concerns, so many worried and fears. But it all comes with an amazing advantage, I i'yh get a beautiful baby out of it!!!! And the word mom, mother or mommy has a whole new meaning!!
I love you mom! Thanx for providing and caring for me!
Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!