Friday night I took the Benadryl, as soon as our meal was done I headed straight into bed and was fast asleep by 9. A friend of ours recently had a baby boy and the shalom vachar was not to far from our house, so my husband walked over. Would have been pererfect, while I am passed out on Benadryl he was out keeping busy. Like I said it would have been perfect but the Benadryl decided not to work all the well, yes it got me to sleep but didn't keep me sleeping for to long at all, I was wide awake at 11.
Doing the math on how long it would take to get there and back, and how long he would stay, I figured my husband should be home sooner or later, but the latest at 12:30. I waited bored and patiently in bed for him to come, 12:30 came but he didn't. So I thought ok maybe he's having a really good time so he stayed longer then I thought he would. But 1 am came and then 2 am and he still wasn't home, I didn't no if I should panic, but I did think it was very weird that he wasn't home yet. Maybe the Benadryl didn't keep me sleeping but it definitely kept me calm.
I don't know how, but I managed to doze off again at around 2 something, but was up at 3:15am and he still wasn't home. Ok something was definitely wrong, I kept looking outside to see if I saw him coming, I kept imagining the door open and I would run to check but it was just my imagination. At 4:15 I couldn't take it anymore, the tears started to come and I started to really panic. I put on a sweatshirt, rain boots, a snow hat, and wrapped myself in a blanket from my waist down and went outside.
I walked up and down my drive way, and checked all around the house, who noes maybe he was passed out in back yard for some reason. I'm usually a scaredy-cat and would be terrified to go out alone let alone go into my backyard, but some how I manged. I didn't know what to do anymore so first thing that came to mind was to get help.
At 4:30am I banged on my next door neighbors house, they yelled from a window "who's there?" At this point I was balling "it's Chumy Herman from next door" they seemed alittle annoyed but who could blame them it is 430am "what do you want?" I started cring even more "I need your help" looking at me confused "ok with what?" "I need your help, I don't know what to do anymore, my husbands missing he never came home" finally there tone of voice calmed down, and they said ok there coming to open to the door.
I told them what going on, there first reaction was he's drunk and probably didn't want to walk home. But knowing my husband I knew that wasn't the case. Then they suggested that maybe he fell asleep there or he decied it was to cold to walk back. But I know my husband, the cold wouldn't stop him, and if he did fall asleep, I think someone would have woken him and sent him home to his 9 month pregnant wife.
When I explained to them that something has to be wrong, there is no other reason he wouldn't come home, they realized and that something was up, it's been 7 hrs and I have no idea where he is. Keeping me calm (so I don't go into labor) They told me to call Hatzalah so they can go out to look for him. So here's a twist to the story, my husband took his phone with him incase I needed to reach him, and it was time to go to the hospital. (with ravs approval of course) we had whole system planed, if he wasn't home in 20 min max then I had another number to call.
When I told my neighbor they were like perfect, call him he could see you called and come running home, confused to why I have waited this long and why I didn't call him hours ago. They suggested I call from my phone and not there's so he sees it's me. The wife came back with me to make sure I was keeping calm and to make sure everything was ok.
I call him but no answer (he wasn't supposed to answer he was just supposed to come home) we waited 15 minutes and still nothing. As I was about to call Hatzalah to send people out to look for him, he calls me back. I pick up in shock and in tears, "where are you!?? What is going on?!? Are you ok!?!" He sounded alittle bit in a daze or in his sleep "I'm in the emergency room, I fell on ice and hit my head really hard and split my face opened" I started crying even more, I felt so bad for him "are you ok?" He didn't sound like him self, "I hit my head they took me to make sure I don't have a concussion, I got a big cut on my face and a big bruise on my forehead."
I was glad he was ok, but confused to why no one came to tell me. I asked him why, he said he thinks he said I took Benadryl and I would be fast asleep, so no one should wake me, he doesn't remember. He hit his hard really hard, he said he think he was passed out alittle. People told him he was throwing up and acting weird, that's why they were concerned he had a concussion. Thank god though he doesn't have a concussion, but he has a big bruise on his forehead that is swollen. No stitches, just glue on his cut that goes from eye brow to eye brow. He got home at 6am, safe and sound.
What a night it was for us, I still think it crazy. I'm amazed how I stayed calm till 4, and extremely embarrassed that I woke the neighbor at that hour. But I'm glad I did, I know it was the right thing for me tod o. God works in mysterious ways, it's a good thing he had his phone on him, otherwise there would have been search parts looking around for him.
Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
Baby registries!
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!