Thursday, February 20, 2014

Birth plan!

Having a birth plan ready before your big day is great idea, even if you don't hand it out to all your doctors and nurses. Having one for self or just skimming trough one is a greatly knowledgeable so you can get an idea of what you want your birth to be like.

If asked you now what you want your birth to be like, most of you would answer only two of the basic questions in a birth plan. You would say, natural/vaginal birth and non medicated or natural/vaginal birth and medicated. Some of you, for medical reasons, may have a planed c-section, so that what be your answer to what your birth will be like. But there is so much more you can try and plan, you can tell your doctor so many things you'd want so when the big day comes your prepared. 

Of course we can't plan everything because some of our choices and decisions, the doctor will override due to what's medical necessary. But stay strong and if your doctor says something that's not part of your plan, make sure you ask if it's really medical necessary and all other options where taking into consideration.

Some of your doctors will have discussed your birth plan with you at one of your appointment, some will even give you papers to fill out and some will just wait till the big day to find out what you want. But if this is your first birth you may have no idea what you want or what thing are even an option. I made a birth plan because I have told my doula and doctor things that I want and was nervous they wouldn't remember or at the time of delivery I wouldn't remember, so I was told to write it down. I wrote down a few things that I know I want and NEED during labor, but when I saw in my book (what to expect when your expecting) that there is so many things I can put into a birth plan, I decided if I'm making one I'll make it right.

Following the book, some magazines and different websites I was able to put together a birth plan in my own worlds. As soon as I was done I came across a great website that has a really good birth plan, you can even print out the pages and make checks next to the things you want. Or it's all typed up nicely and you can copy and paste it and edit it to what you want, just by taking out what you know you don't want. 

Link to print out the birth plan and just mark what you want

Or copy and past the following paragraphs and just delete the sentences you don't want.

Birth Plan: 
[  ] Full name:
[  ] Partner’s name:
[  ] Today’s date:
[  ] Due date: OR Induction date:
[  ] Doctor’s name:
[  ] Hospital name:

My delivery is planned as:
[  ] Vaginal
[  ] C-section
[  ] Water birth
[  ] VBAC

I’d like…:
[  ] Partner:
[  ] Parents:
[  ] Other children:
[  ] Doula:
[  ] Other:
…present before AND/OR during labor

During labor, I’d like:
[  ] Music played (I will provide)
[  ] The lights dimmed
[  ] The room as quiet as possible
[  ] As few interruptions as possible
[  ] As few vaginal exams as possible
[  ] Hospital staff limited to my own doctor and nurses (no students, residents or interns present)
[  ] To wear my own clothes
[  ] To wear my contact lens the entire time
[  ] My partner to film AND/OR take pictures
[  ] My partner to be present the entire time
[  ] To stay hydrated with clear liquids and ice chips
[  ] To eat and drink as approved by my doctor

I’d like to spend the first stage of labor:
[  ] Standing up
[  ] Lying down
[  ] Walking around
[  ] In the shower
[  ] In the bathtub

I'm not interested in: 
[  ] An enema
[  ] Shaving of my pubic area
[  ] A urinary catheter
[  ] An IV, unless I’m dehydrated (and a heparin or saline lock IS/IS NOT ok)

I’d like fetal monitoring to be:
[  ] Continuous
[  ] Intermittent
[  ] Internal
[  ] External
[  ] Performed only by Doppler
[  ] Performed only if the baby is in distress

I’d like labor augmentation:
[  ] Performed only if baby is in distress
[  ] First attempted by natural methods such as nipple stimulation
[  ] Performed by membrane stripping
[  ] Performed with prostaglandin gel
[  ] Performed with Pitocin
[  ] Performed by rupture of the membrane
[  ] Performed by stripping of the membrane
[  ] Never to include an artificial rupture of the membrane

For pain relief, I’d like to use:
[  ] Acupressure
[  ] Acupuncture
[  ] Breathing techniques
[  ] Cold therapy
[  ] Demerol
[  ] Distraction
[  ] Hot therapy
[  ] Hypnosis
[  ] Massage
[  ] Meditation
[  ] Reflexology
[  ] Standard epidural
[  ] TENS
[  ] Walking epidural
[  ] Nothing
[  ] Only what I request at the time
[  ] Whatever is suggested at the time

During delivery, I would like to:
[  ] Squat
[  ] Semi-reline
[  ] Lie on my side
[  ] Be on my hands and knees
[  ] Stand
[  ] Lean on my partner
[  ] Use people for leg support
[  ] Use foot pedals for support
[  ] Use a birth bar for support
[  ] Use a birthing stool
[  ] Be in a birthing tub
[  ] Be in the shower

I will bring a:
[  ] Birthing stool
[  ] Birthing chair
[  ] Squatting bar
[  ] Birthing tub 

As the baby is delivered, I would like to:
[  ] Push spontaneously
[  ] Push as directed
[  ] Push without time limits, as long as the baby and I are not at risk
[  ] Use a mirror to see the baby crown
[  ] Touch the head as it crowns
[  ] Let the epidural wear off while pushing
[  ] Have a full dose of epidural
[  ] Avoid forceps usage
[  ] Avoid vacuum extraction
[  ] Use whatever methods my doctor deems necessary
[  ] Help catch the baby
[  ] Let my partner catch the baby
[  ] Let my partner suction the baby 

I would like an episiotomy:
[  ] Used only after perineal massage, warm compresses and positioning
[  ] Rather than risk a tear
[  ] Not performed, even if it means risking a tear
[  ] Performed only as a last resort
[  ] Performed as my doctor deems necessary 
[  ] Performed with local anesthesia
[  ] Performed by pressure, without local anesthesia
[  ] Followed by local anesthesia for the repair

Immediately after delivery, I would like:
[  ] My partner to cut the umbilical cord
[  ] The umbilical cord to be cut only after it stops pulsating
[  ] To bank the cord blood
[  ] To donate the cord blood
[  ] To deliver the placenta spontaneously and without assistance
[  ] To see the placenta before it is discarded
[  ] Not to be given Pitocin/oxytocin

If a C-section is necessary, I would like:
[  ] A second opinion
[  ] To make sure all other options have been exhausted
[  ]To stay conscious
[  ] My partner to remain with my the entire time
[  ] The screen lowered so I can watch baby come out
[  ] My hands left free so I can touch the baby
[  ] The surgery explained as it happens
[  ] An epidural for anesthesia
[  ] My partner to hold the baby as soon as possible
[  ] To breastfeed in the recovery room

I would like to hold baby:
[  ] Immediately after delivery
[  ] After suctioning
[  ] After weighing
[  ] After being wiped clean and swaddled
[  ] Before eye drops/ointment are given

I would like to breastfeed:
[  ] As soon as possible after delivery
[  ] Before eye drops/ointment are given
[  ] Later
[  ] Never

I’d like my family members (NAMES):
[  ] To join me and baby immediately after delivery
[  ] To join me and baby in the room later
[  ] Only to see baby in the nursery
[  ] To have unlimited visiting after birth

I’d like baby’s medical exam and procedures:
[  ] Given in my presence
[  ] Given only after we’ve bonded
[  ] Given in my partner’s presence
[  ] To include a heel stick for screening tests beyond the PKU
[  ] To include a hearing screening test
[  ] To include a hepatitis B vaccine

Please don’t give baby:
[  ] Vitamin K
[ ] Antibiotic eye treatment
[  ] Sugar water
[  ] Formula
[  ] A pacifier

I’d like baby’s first bath given:
[  ] In my presence
[  ] In my partner’s presence
[  ] By me
[  ] By my partner

I’d like to feed baby:
[  ] Only with breastmilk
[  ] Only with formula
[  ] On demand
[  ] On schedule
[  ] With the help of a lactation specialist

I’d like baby to stay in my room:
[  ] All the time
[  ] During the day
[  ] Only when I’m awake
[  ] Only for feeding
[  ] Only when I request

I’d like my partner:
[  ] To have unlimited visiting
[  ] To sleep in my room

If we have a boy, circumcision should:
[  ] Be performed
[  ] Not be performed
[  ] Be performed later
[  ] Be performed with anesthesia
[  ] Be performed in the presence of me AND/OR my partner

As needed post-delivery, please give me:
[  ] Extra-strength acetaminophen
[  ] Percoset
[  ] Stool softener
[  ] Laxative

After birth, I’d like to stay in the hospital:
[  ] As long as possible
[  ] As briefly as possible

If baby is not well, I’d like:
[  ] My partner and I to accompany it to the NICU or another facility
[  ] To breastfeed or provide pumped breastmilk
[  ] To hold him or her whenever possible 

If you are having trouble opening the link or copying and pasting the list let me know and I'll be happy to email it to you.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!