Thursday, February 27, 2014

Birth story!!

February 22 my beautiful baby girl decied to come into this world!
It all began when my doctor started talking about induction, February 21 at 10 am was our deadline. I was feeling very nervous about being induced and it was something I was hopping wouldn't have to happen. I tried talking to my doctor to let me go a little longer, so Tuesday February 25 was the latest possible. But I had to see the doctor Friday morning to see if everything looked ok and she would tell me if I would be able to wait till Tuesday. 

Friday morning came faster then I hoped but still no baby, but something was different that morning. I have woken up at 5:30am from my husbands alarm and noticing I was feeling contractions. I wasn't feeling to excited about it as I was feeling them the past couple of weeks anyways. As time went by I noticed my contractions were still coming so I started to keep track of them to show the doctor.

At my doctors appointment I was told I was not even opened 2cm yet, but
that something was definitely happening today, either my contraction would start becoming more regular and I would go into labor naturally or I would have to be induced. My 10 am appointment was pushed off to when ever I wanted that afternoon, but it had to be that afternoon.

My doctors office is a good 25 minute drive from my house so we stuck around town to pass time, so we made a trip to wall mart and the mall. I walked around hoping things would progress, counting every contraction I felt, but they weren't getting stronger. My contraction in the early stage of labor wasn't bad at all, I was able to walk, talk and shop. 

Probably one of the most asked question during pregnancy is how will I know I'm in labor, and I know I asked that question one to many times. Like everyone else says, when it happened you will know. I knew something was happening because I have been feeling Braxton hicks contraction for the past few weeks, but on Friday they were a little different, a little stronger and they actually stayed for more then 30 seconds. I would say the biggest sign was that I felt like I had/getting my period, all my symptoms were the same. For me it was, achy body, cramps in my lower abdomen along with pressure, and my biggest clue was pain in my thighs. 

Around 2 pm on Friday contractions were coming very often and my nerves were getting the best of me so off to the hospital we went. They started monitoring me right away to see how mommy and baby are doing. I was having contraction so induction may have not been needed so they put it on hold to see if my contraction progress. After a little monitoring nothing was professing and they saw my baby's heart rate was very fast and they wanted/needed to slow it down before doing any kind of induction. It was all my fault, I was dehydrated which caused her heart rate to increase. See how important it is to drink!! 

Sadly at 9pm they were ganna start inducing me, because nothing was progressing, I was still only 2 cm opened!

To be Continued!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!