Monday, February 10, 2014

Due date!!!!

I can't believe it's my due date day! I thought this day would never come! Time has gone by so fast, but yet so slow. Way back when I just found out my due date was February 11th it seemed in ages. From counting down the months, then the weeks and then days, February 11th has fiannly came, but where is the baby? I thought this day would never come, just because it seemed so far away, but the past week I didn't think this day would be relevant. I thought my baby would be here already. But I guess I thought wrong, I'm still waiting for the big day. 

I guess starting tomorrow I'll be considered over due, which seems so depressing for me. I'm thought hitting my due date would be the most exciting thing ever, but it's kinda of a let down. It's my due date now what? It's just another day of waiting, it's just another day of wondering will it happen today? And most importantly, when will it happen? 

So it's my due date now what? Now I have to make sure this baby really gets a move on, so my doctor doesn't decied to take matters in to her own hand. 

"Let's go baby you can do it put a little power to it!" Don't be scared to come out into the world, I'm here to protect you! I'll make sure it nice and warm and cozy for you out here. I'll give you plenty of food that you'll actually be able to eat on your own and not through some funny cord. I'll have a warm and fuzzy blanket for you, and a cozy spot for you to sleep. I'll do anything to make sure your as comfterble out here, as much as you are in there. See it's doesn't seem so bad out here, baby come and find out for yourself! I'll be waiting! 

Due date selfies!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Emotions emotions!

I'm feeling the jitters, it's really happening so soon. I can't help but to feel so many emotions, I'm feeling scared, worried, unprepared, nervous, anxious, joyful and of course supper excited.

I'm feeling scared for the unknown, the unknown of labor and what the pain is actually like. Scared of what will happen after the baby's is born, how will I react and how will I cope/manage being a mom. 

I'm ganna be honest, I'm worried that things mite not go as planed, nothing is in our hands and I'm just hopping that everything goes smoothly. I'm worried I'll b such a mess durning labor that I'll act like a crazy person. I'm worried that I won't have a clue how to handle a new born, no matter how much I think I know, and how much practice I got with my nieces and nephews it's no way near the same as doing it to your own. 

I'm feeling unprepared because I have nothing for the baby. My husband and I aren't buying anything till the arrival of our baby, which leaves us a big todo/to get list right when it's born. I know what I want, and what I need. I have made list after list of everything possible, but nothing feels satisfying. I'm not sure if it's the not buying things that's making me feel unprepared or the fact that you can never really be prepared of what will come. 

I'm supper nervous, and just have one to many questions on my mind. Will I be a good mom? Will I have a clue what I'm doing? What will my life be like with a child? What will my relationship with my husband be like? Will I hear the baby cry at night and wake up for it? How fast will I recover after birth? Will I...? Will I...? Will I...? The list goes on and on.

Duh I'm anxious all I have been talking about is how anxious I am to get this baby out of me. I'm anxious to just see what it will look like, and who it will look like. I'm anxious because I can't wait to just snuggle with my baby and love everything about it. It's tiny hands and feet, and it's little eyes, nose and mouth will be the cutest thing ever! 

Of course there not all worries and nervous, I'm so happy and looking forward for the day to come. I can't wait for that moment of meeting our baby for the first time. Holding it, and never wanting to let go, just thinking of it make me tear up. I'm feeling so so much excitement, love and joy already, I can't wait to really experience it. 

Only time will tell!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!