When I shop, I shop in the same stores and go to the same workers for help, so I'm well acquainted with workers, at my stores. Breaking the news to them, how I no long can wear half the stuff in there store, because I was 5 months pregnant, was a total shock for them. As I was talking to the manger (BFF by the way) an older women (must have been 50) interrupted "Excuse me, your 5 months pregnant?" She did not believe me, the people who worked in the store didn't really know how to respond, but this women wasn't giving up. I finally responded "I have prof, I'll show you my sonograms!" The women was satisfied, and said "Ya ok, show me." As I started fishing through my phone, to find the picture, the manger stopped me "Honey you do not need to show her prof, if she doesn't wanna believe you, then that's her problem." The elder women actually felt a little dumb, and started telling us some story, how her daughter in law also carries small, but were like ya, ya, ya, go fly a kite lady!
In another store, a sales represented was helping me find clothing. With no waist line, and that had a little extra length and space. I was in the dressing room, and she kept bring me shirts and stuff to try on. When I came out a different worked looked at me confused and said "Your the pregnant women she's was helping? When she said she was helping a almost 6 month pregnant women, I was expecting someone with a big belly. I couldn't imagine how she would find anything in our store! But now I get it, but how are you 6 months?"
I was talking to the Chanel makeup artist in Nordstrom (She's a sweet heart, I don't even wear Chanel makeup but she always sees me there so we became buddy's.) We were talking about pregnancy, and I was saying how I'm waiting to pop. A women from behind me taps me and says "Don't worry you will VERY soon, just wait!" Apparently she was listening to are whole conversation, and wanted in. She joined us, but when she left, we couldn't stop laughing how random she was!
I was telling someone from my office (an older man) how I haven't been here so much because I'm pregnant, and I wasn't feeling well. He asked me how far I was, I was about 6 months. He replies "Your 6 months pregnant? Your sure? You do know how that happens right?" knowing his personality I know he was kidding, (I hope) but I thought it was so funny!
I was standing around in a hallway, waiting for my husband to come out of an office, that had a bathroom that was right next door. I didn't even notice I was holding my belly, but a woman passing by me says "You know there's another restroom right over there, that no one is in" I was confused, I'm like, ok thanx? I then realized that, she must have thought I was holding my stomach, because I needed to go so badly. I laughed and yelled down the hall, "Oh I don't need the restroom, thanx!" She must of thought I was nuts!
I have so many more stories, that I can share with you, but this post will be way to long. If you have any funny stories of your own, I would love to hear them.

My growing baby bump! I am now 30 weeks! (I no I am missing 21, I have a picture from that week, but I'm not dressed well)
Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!