Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Letting your hormones get the best of you!

I noticed yesterday as I was writing the post, how I don't mentioned much of other story's where I let my hormones get the best of me. (I did once about the black pepper in my dinner) It wasn't the first time that I cried from something that happened, but never as bad as Sunday. So for today's post ill embarrass myself and write short story's on some of the other times I cried for dumb reason. Hey I can't help myself sometime, I'm pregnant, my hormones take over and just let loose in the form of tears! 

Ok so I might not be the only one in this situation, we all have trouble sleeping at some point in our pregnancy, but did you ever cry over it? A couple of times I'd cry because I was so tired and couldn't fall asleep, I would get frustrated and just cry about it. Adventaully the cring put me to sleep, I should cry more often before I go to bed, it seems to help me sleep. I also one time came home from a busy day and just cried that I'm so tired, and I wanted to take a nap, nut dinner wasn't made yet. My dear husband told me to go to sleep and he'll take care of it, I woke up about two hours later to a heaven dinner. 

I was calling afew pediatric offices for information about there practice, to find the right doctor for my baby. I called an office and the resection couldn't have been more rude. I was put on hold for about 20 min right away, when she finally came back this is how our conversation went
Me: Hi my name is Chumy Herman, I'm due in February I wanted to know if the doctor is taking new...(interrupted)
Her: Are you a patient? 
Me: No, I'm looking ... (Interrupted)
Her: Well, Is your child a patient? 
Me: No, I said I'm due in February... If you listen to me I can tell you why I am calling, I was wondering if the doctor is.. (Interrupted)
Her: Well if you or child isn't a patient I can't help you.
Me: I just wanted to know if (interrupted yet again) 
Her: I told you, I can't help you, and the doctor isn't taking any new patients.
Me: Ok thank you, that is all I wanted to know, I'm not sure why you had to be so rude. If you would have listened to me in the first place you could have answered my question much faster. 
Her: I'm sorry You thought I was rude, but you weren't...
(as soon as I heard she was ganna blame something on me)
Me: Thank you, have a nice day (CLICK!! I hung up)
I don't know why at the time it bothered me so much, but I hung up the phone and cried. 

I was on line at the gas station to get gas, and I saw that aisle the other side had no line. I motioned to the worker if I can go to that spot and he said ya. To make sure he understood what I said I rolled down my window and asked again, "can I go there" he said ya. All excited, I leave my line and go to the empty spot. I pull up and the guy says you can't do that, I was so confused, didn't he just tell me I can? He says "you can't cut the whole line, people are waiting." I asked him "didn't you just tell me I can come here?" He says "no, I must have miss understood what you said you have to go back in line." All mad and all confused, of course came the tears. I went back to the long line I was in, but only to be 3 cars behind now. I haven't been to that gas station since then, it's still emotional for me. 

Is four story's enough? I have more but as I think of  them now, it's kind of embarsing why I cried. But I'm sure you all have your crazy stories as well, feel free to share them, it will make me feel better about mine. 
If you missed yesterday's post, go back and read it for another story to why I cried. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!