Many of you don't plan on taking a Lamaze class, either because you feel reading the book is enough, or you think Lamaze class is just about teaching you how to breath, that's neither right or wrong. I'm not here to tell you that you must take a class, you are all entitled to your own opinion, but for me taking a class was the best choice. Yes Lamaze class did teach me breathing techniques, but I spent 12 hours in Lamaze class, and spent maybe an hour focusing on breathing.
I am thinking the same thing you are, when I am in labor and having contractions, will I really be breathing in through my noise, out through my mouth all calmly? Or will I sound more like something dying and gasping for air, till the contraction is over? Whether you'll be hoo-ing, ha-ing, or hee-ing the main focus is breathing.
The reasoning behind breathing, is actually important. During a contraction you uterus is getting squeezed, which means your baby is getting squeezed which can make the baby mad and uncomfortable. Think about what you would do, if you were getting squeezed? You would try breathing, but sometimes you feel like you can't, right? Because they are squeezing you too tight, and all you want is to be released. The baby wants the same thing, but the baby breaths when you breath. So every breath that you take, while they are getting squished In there, makes it more comfortable and safer for the baby. So while our going through the pain of contractions, think of trying to keep your baby safe and as comfortable for just a little while longer.
Breathing is also for your benefit, it's a coping technique. There are many thing you will try during labor to ease the pain. You'll try creating all sort of distraction, breathing is a one of those distractions. Focusing on breathing, can take your mind off of how strong and painful your contractions really are.
When we think of pain, or when we are going through pain, we tend to tense up, which make pain a lot worst. By relaxing, in other worlds breathing, we are trying to lessen the tension, so it's less painful.
Yes I'm still thinking "Who are you kidding I'm going through labor!!! Who actually breaths like that?" I am still going to try it. I even started practicing, and I have been getting better. Hey this whole breathing during labor thing, had to come from some where, it can't be all that made up! right? So practice breathing you never know if it will benefit you!
Today's post I focused on breathing, I will share many more topics we disgusted during Lamaze class in future posts.
Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Lamaze class.
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!