Thursday, May 29, 2014

Most frequently asked questions!

There are a certain amount of questions the pregnant women get asked, and for some reason they are repeated by almost every person you have a conversation with. I'm sure you all know these questions I'm talking about.

Most frequently ask questions 
How far along are you? 
What week are you up to?
What month are you in?
When are you due? 
Are you excited? 
Is your husband excited?
Do you know what you are having? 
How are you feeling? 
Do you sleep good?
Do you have crazy heartburn?
Did you feel the baby move yet?
Did you cry when you heard the heart beat?
Isn't the sonograms so amazing?
How hormonal are you?
Do you cry all day?
Did you throw up a lot?
How big is your baby?
Can I touch your belly?
Can you still see your toes? 
Are you nervous for labor?
Do you want an epidural?
Who's your doctor?
Do you like your doctor?
What hospital are you delivering in?
What baby gear you getting? 
Are you having a doula?
Are you ganna nurse?
And my all time favorite ....DID YOU HAVE YOUR BABY YET?

And this can all be in one convotersion with one person, who can be a total stranger. Since when are people so noise 

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