I wanted to reach out to more of my readers and to try and make more post relate to all the moms out there. But since I am not a mom yet, I am not the one to give advise. So I have deiced to start interviews, I will be interviewing a mom every so often, to make it more ratable to everyone. Today's interview is from Mimi a mom of two adorable kids, Daniel who's 4, and her 9 month baby girl Shira.
CH: Pregnancy has alot of exciting moments, what was thee most memorable moment in your pregnancy?
MS: I was pregnant with my second child and woke up in the middle of the night and felt my baby move for the first time. And I heard my son who was 3 at the time, laughing in his sleep in the next room!
CH: That's so cute! does he always laugh in his sleep?
CH: That's so cute! does he always laugh in his sleep?
MS: Never!!
CH: Not all pregnancies are the same, What was the biggest difference between your two pregnancy?
MS: My weight in my first and my knowledge with my second.
CH: After your second pregnancy, if you could have done something different in your first what would it have been?
MS: I would not have watched so much TV and eaten so many tubs of ice cream!
CH: I can relate to that! Was there something useful that you found out about in your second pregnancy that you wish you could have done/known in your first?
MS: That just because you are pregnant, it does not mean you are handicapped. your allowed to excessive, run around and do errands. And your allowed to get yourself a drink without having someone else get it for you. People tend to treat pregnant women as if they cant do anything for themselves anymore, and it rubs off but you need to remember you are capable, to a certain extent, in moderation and do what you can handle.
CH: Very well said! The transition into motherhood can be a very hard time, how was it for you?
MS: Hard, hard and really really hard! But with time it was all worth it!
CH: With all the changes, what was the hardest thing to get use to?
MS: That you will never be number 1 again. Its always the kids, your husband and then you.
CH: Wow that is something to think about! Being a mother of two kids, what are some day to day challenges that you'd think are common?
MS: Juggling it all, I always tell everyone having one kid is playing house, having two kids the game is over! You are officially a mom!
CH: Do you have any useful tips on how you manage to juggle it all?
MS: I try to remember that I do not have to be supermom, its OK to buy takeout and for the house to not be spotless at all times. As long as the kids are dressed, feed and alive at the end of the day, you did your job and you deserve credit for that.
CH: What about if your dressed and feed, does that count for something?
MS: Your lucky if that gets done, so you definitely deserve credit!
CH: What does motherhood mean to you?
MS: EVERYTHING! and an endless love that i never thought even existed.
CH: Kids have a mind of there own, is there something funny you can think of your son told you?
MS: My Daniel who is 4 asked me the other day, if god has a computer in the sky that he keeps in his study.
CH: That's adorable! Motherhood as many amazing moments whats your pride moment?
MS: When my son protects me from the fears he knows I have, like fish and insects. I know i did the right thing by showing him its OK to be scared and it is OK to rely and lean on people when in need.
CH: AW that's amazing! can you give an example on he he would protect you
MS: He is my professional insect killer since I have a major phobia, he would say "Mommy don't come here, ill kill it so your not scared." If he smells fish he would say "Mommy don't come here you will be sad, because you don't like it." Even if i would to say I am scared he would tell me "Mommy don't worry ill save you."
CH: Your son sounds like a great kid!
MS: He is, he is so yummy and loving he has the boggiest heart!
CH: Any helpful tips you have for mothers other moms?
MS: Try to enjoy your kids and to listen to what they want and need from you, and shower them with love and hugs and kisses!
CH: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst) how would you rate your pregnancies?
MS: My first an 8, my second a 4, it was really good compared to my first.
CH: Was the second easier because you knew what to expect?
MS: Yes. It was probably a mixture of knowing and just feeling more comfortable with the whole title of being pregnant.
CH: We all have that someone we go to for advise, who did you go to?
MS: My older sister Leah and my friend Rochel.
CH: What was the best advise they have given you?
MS: My sister Leah is my inspiration! She told me, your kids feel and know when you are sad, happy, angry and annoyed, so always try to keep cool and stay as positive as possible, since you never know how it will affect them.
CH: Wise words!
CH: I have one more question for you. Do you think my blog can help moms and moms to be?
CH: I have one more question for you. Do you think my blog can help moms and moms to be?
MS: Of course! It is just nice to know that others people are out there going through the same emotions and difficulties as you are, on a day to day basis. I hope your blog reaches all moms and moms to be. And inspire them all to be as strong, healthy and gorgeous like you are xoxo
Thank you Mimi for your time and thoughts.
I hope that you moms out there benefited and are able to relate!
Here's what to look for in up coming posts!!
First doctors appointment!
Babies heart beat!
My no show baby bump!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!
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