Thursday, December 5, 2013

COFFEE... Yes please!!

Good afternoon, or good morning! Some of you may be just getting up ... no judgment, I am actually jealous you can sleep this long. So who had there coffee yet today? I'm sure you all heard, how pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee/caffeine, its true and false. I'll go through some do's and don'ts when it comes to caffeine. Those who are just waking up, don't worry you can still go make your coffee, (switching to decaf wont hurt) then go sit and relax and continue reading.
One reason why you should stay away from to much coffee, is because it increases the amount of times you'll be needing to go to the bathroom. What pregnant women needs/wants that, don't we go enough times? But the more we go, the less body fluids we have, which can lead to dehydration, so stay hydrated. It also causes are key nutrients to leave our system before they can get absorbed.
Of course there is a limit to how much you can drink. Don't go and have 5 cups of coffee a day, no matter how tired you are. Most studies show that 200mg a day, had no harmful effect on pregnant women, or their babies. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate. The more you have the higher they can get, and having high blood pressure and heart rate, has its own set of issues.
Remember what ever you eat and drink your baby also does. You maybe able to handle the amount of caffeine you have, but your baby can not. Your baby's metabolism is still maturing and cant fully digest all that caffeine. So limiting your caffeine intake, is a good idea.
Drinking caffeine, is an awesome way to feel your baby move. If you wanna get it hyper and start kicking up a storm in you, then enjoy! But if your trying to count your kicks then it wouldn't be the right time. Caffeine will also change you and your babies sleeping patterns, so no caffeine before bed, or you'll both be twisting and turning.
We all know that coffee isn't the only thing that has caffeine in it. Soda, tea, chocolate and even some medication have caffeine as well. So be smart about your 200mg per day. I know your pregnant and just want that whole tub of coffee ice cream, with chocolate syrup and chocolate chips on top, even after you had your large coffee early that day. Beside for the amount of collieries you should be counting in that, remember to count the caffeine.
Your with draw from the caffeine maybe the hardiest part. No, you cant drink another one, to help your headache go away. And you shouldn't be taking any medication unless its necessary,
and it should only be Tylenol. So no medication for you, to get rid of that headache. 
Enjoy your coffee, but there's no harm in changing your coffee routine to decaf. It taste the same, you just won't be as hyper, awake and as active as you'd like to be, when drinking it! 
This picture is from the book 'Mayo clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy' 

I will be attending a Lamaze class tonight, you will get to hear all about it!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

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