Breathing- good, and not the only thing taught in Lamaze class.
Lamaze class- great with the right teacher, also known as a birth class!
My Lamaze teaches mechanism was, for us to be knowledgeable with the terms used during delivery. So we can make an informed decision (if we have a choice) of what is medically necessary and what can be held off. She explained to us how the medically field and medication, is there incase our body is unable to do something it should naturally.
We were thought all the terms we would need to know during labor and delivery. We learnt different medication and their function, why we would need them and why wouldn't we.
Everyone always so nervous how will they know when to go to the hospital? What's if I don't make it there on time? How will I know when to push? How will I know how to push? She explained how our inner wisdom guides us through birth, just like we know how to breath well know how to push.
She helped us understand 3 different stages of labor, there is early labor, active labor and transition. She told us what's happening during that stage, what it may feel like, and what we can do during that time period.
Do you know how to count your contractions? You start and end the clock every time your contractions start and end, write it down and do math. Calculate how long the contraction lasted, and how many minutes apart it was, from the start of the previous contraction. Math is getting you nervous? Don't worry, there's an app for that! Download a contraction app and push start and finish by every contraction and it will take care of the rest. The app may use the terms duration and interval, duration is how long the contraction was for. Interval is how many minutes apart it was.
The magic number when counting is 5,1,1 that's when it's time to head to the hospital, (if you haven't already gone) When your contraction are 5 minutes apart from each other and they last for a minute long, and were consistent in the past hour.
I'm not ganna give you a crash course on Lamaze class, and all the terms and definitions, I'll be here all day. But I'll go through the terms and its your homework (if you want) to know the answered to my questions!
What is early labor, active labor and transitioning?
What is Mucous plug and the bloody show? What do you do when it happens?
If your water breaks what do you do? What's if it's greenish brownish coloring?
What does the world meconium mean?
When is IV needed?
What is a fetal monitor? Why do you need it?
What is oxytocin?
What is potassium? Why would I need it? Is it necessary?
What is an Epidural? How is it preformed? Why would I want it? Why would I need it?
What's Amniohook? Why is it used? Does it hurt?
Episiotomy, what is it? Is it routine Why would I need it?
What are forceps? Why would I need it?
What is a vacuum extraction? Why would I need that?
What does dilated, effacement and station mean? What numbers are good?
What's spontaneous or direct pushing mean?
What is considered a natural birth?
Cesarean/c-section delivery? What is it? Why would you need one?
Sorry are you very overwhelmed? Do you know all or most of the terms used? If not, open a book and start reading or.....take a Lamaze class!!!!!
Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!
Happy Motherhood!!
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