Monday, December 30, 2013

Changes and more changes!

As I'm getting closer and closer towards the end, I'm feeling a whole bunch of different things. I'm feeling a lot of different physical and emotional changes, which is making these last couple of weeks quite exciting. You'll hear a lot of women who are mostly in the ninth say how they feel so uncomfortable, and the baby's has got to come out. There is only so much space that your body can make room for, so your baby is getting a little squashy in there torwds the end, which makes it more uncomfortable for you too. The baby Is big now so you feel it all over, u can feel a kick in your ribs and on your bladder all at once, how fun is that! 

My baby is truly enjoying the game of hitting mommy in the ribs, especially my right side. But I'm not enjoying this game as much, it's actually no fun at all. I've been trying all the tricks to make the baby switch positions, like picking my hands up and breath or going down on all four, but they help for a few minutes and then the baby move right back to my ribs. It's sometimes not even kicks I feel, it's more like my baby wants to stretch and just leaves a foot nicely lodged by my ribs. It's starting to get a little crowded in there, and still has more to grow! 

Did you know that being uncomfortable towards the end, is actually one of the mircals of pregnancy? Allot of women enjoy the bond with there baby so much while it's still In them, that it would be difficult for them to give it up. So by getting uncomfortable, in away is breaking the bond between the mother and the baby, and making the mother want it to come out already, so she can form a new bond. 

My emotional changes I've been going through, are more mixed feelings towards the whole giving brith topic. One minute I'm excited, the next Im scared, and then I'm excited again. But I cant pin point the reason why I'm scared, am I scared of the unknown of labor? Or going through the pain of labor? Or the after part, and am I scared of being a mother? Or maybe I'm even scared of all! But even when I'm feeling scared, I still feel so excited. So I'm my emotions are just a mess when it comes to this topic, I can't he but to feel confused. 

But I know it's normal and I am definitely not the only one going through these emotions, and that is what's always important to remember. You are never the only one going though your emotional craziness, no matter how imbalance you think they are. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

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