Thursday, December 26, 2013

What to pack in your hospital bag!

The end is coming near, 47 more days till my due date! Like everything else about my pregnancy, I am a fanatic about my hospital bag as we'll. I have some of the stuff I need set aside for a few weeks now, as if it's happening any day. Some of things I'm packing could be completely useless in the time of need for me, but it worked for others so it's on my list. 

I have already packed in my hospital bag a few thing, and the rest I'll add in closer to my due date. For labor and delivery there's things you need and for postpartum. I'll share a list your husband may want, we can't forget about them.

For labor and delivery
I have socks, unless you are one of those who love hospital socks, then bring your own. It's for walking around in the halls before and after birth, and to keep your toes nice and warm. 
I also packed chapstick, apperntly your mouth and lips gets very dry, so add that in. 
I packed a light weight snood (well see how long it last on my head) and a cotton head band, to keep my hair out of my face if the snood doesn't work out, also extra pony holders In case they snap. 
I have heard to take with you a pen and paper, to jot down any questions, thought, or names of doctors or nurses you'll want to thank after. But with cell phones in handy, you can write it down in there. 
Pen and paper can also be used to count your contractions, or you can be use your phone for that too, and I told you there is an app for that. 
Lollipops, socking candy, and ices are aloud to be eaten during labor. You may want to eat them, to help your mouth from getting so dry.
If you want your birth setting to be a relaxed environment, and music will help you. Make sure you bring a CD player. If it's plug in then great, but if it runs on batteries, bring extra. (Some hospitals provide a CD player)
Your favorite lotion or body oil for all the massages you'll be asking for. The smell can actually sooth you as we'll, so choose wisely.
If your really into the whole relaxing mode, buy those fake candles that run on batteries, since you can not light real candles in a hospital. 
Do you have a birthing ball/gym balls, you have been using through out your pregnancy? People swear on how helpful the ball is during labor, so bring that along. (Your labor coach may provide one)
If you don't want to wear those beautiful hospital gown, bring your own nightgown. I'm saying night gown and not pjs, because you will want it to be a one piece and long enough for you to do squats in, without mooning everyone in the room. 
Bring flip flops/water shoes, you may not want to shower bear foot. That's goes for before and after birth. 
If you'll want to shower during labor, you can shower In hospital gown or bring a top you don't mind wearing in the shower.
And most importantly camera/video camera, cell phones and all chargers needed!! (If needed an extra memory card)

For postpartum (after birth and your hospital stay) 
I bought a yummy cozy robe for after birth, to keep warm and comfy. I also plan to use it as my blanket, hospital blankets aren't that cozy and Im sure I can use a good night sleep.
Pjs, you'll want your top to have easy access, if you plan to nurse.
They say to pack two nursing bras, I have one so far I'll go buy another. They say two because you sweat a lot after birth, and your milk can leak.
Also a few pairs of underwear, doesn't/shouldn't be new ones, you'll probably ruin them.
Sweater, leggings, change of cloth, socks anything you'll want to wear and feel unfotable In. 
All toiletries! Toothbrush, tooth past, mouthwash, face wipes, face wash, body wipes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hair brush, if you have lens don't forget lens solution. Buying all your toiletries in travel size is a great idea. (You'll want to use some of them during labor) 
Pads and nursing pads if want to use ones you like but the hospital will provide them for you.
Entertainment, if starring at your baby isn't enough entertainment.
Food or snacks you want that the hospital doesn't have.
Some people take a towel/robe, because hospital towels can be small, and it can be really cold when coming out of a shower.
If you have a pillow you can sleep without, bring it.
Pack your make up, I know I'll want to look good while feeling bad.
A going home outfit for you and the baby. The baby will need undershirt, stretchy, a blanket, and of course a cute hat. You'll want a bundle me, if your giving birth in the winter.
You will need a car seat, most hospital will not let you leave without an approved car seat. 

For your husband 
If he's they type that's always cold pack a sweater, the room temperature will be according to the way you like and during labor I'm sure you'll be hot. 
You mite not be able to eat during labor, but he sure can, pack snacks or lots of changes for vending machines (your hospital may have a bichur cholem room, where he can take anything he wants)
If your baby is taking its sweat time to come and it's over night, your husband mite want to change into something more comfortable, so be a good wife and pack him a change of cloth.
Some toiletries, so he can freshen up.
Entertainment, labor can be long and boring for him.

I hope I got everything down, that is needed for labor and delivery. My brain hurts from brainstorming, of all the stuff you mite need/want. If you forgot something that is needed for after birth, your husband or someone coming to visit, can always go and get it for you. You don't need all your stuff in one big suitcases you can pack two small ones, one for labor and delivery and one for  postpartum. Your husband can always get your second suit case out of the car whenever needed.
I'll probably look like I'll be moving into the hospital, I'll be coming in with a massive suitcase, a birthing ball, and maybe even a pillow!! 

I hope this is helpful for you! It was quite time consuming to put it together for you. But I did promise I'll have a good one for today! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

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