Thursday, November 21, 2013

Awful strech marks!!

Some women swear how coco butter and so many other products on the market really work for stretch marks. But that doesn't have so much truth to it. The reality is they may only help for the itchiness of stretching, so apply away because that itchiness can be a real bother!
Ask you mother, sisters and other female relatives if they have stretch marks, chances are if they do, you will too. Stretch marks are genetic, so you may just be doomed if you find out everyone has! But there is other reasons you can get stretch marks, so you may be in luck, your family members might have it, because of other reasons.
For example, if they carried multiples, chances are there marks came from that more, then your genes. So if your Octomom or expecting multiples, there's a much high chance of getting them. Friendly reminder expecting multiples are genetic as well.
Another way you can get them is by gaining too much weight too fast, gradually gain your weight, is the way to go.
There are some helpful tips you can try. But not to prevent them, but to try and minimize the severity of them. A health diet is not only good for your physical health, it's good for your skin as well, Healthier skin = less marks.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants, which help nourish and protect skin, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (blueberries, strawberries) also food that contain vitamin E, which protects skin cell membranes (nuts, seeds, avocados) Foods containing vitamin A, which repairs skin tissues. (carrots, sweet potato)  also foods contain omega 3s, which keep cell membranes healthy and make your skin glow. (fish, eggs)
Keep hydrated, how ever you can by fruit, water, or tea (without caffeine) Water helps detoxify your body and keeps your skin cells plump which is healthier and better for when it bounces back after stretching.
Exercise during pregnancy, helps your skin not be so stretchy and it improves your body's circulation. It also can help by preventing you from gaining too much weight.
So keep you, your baby and your skin health during pregnancy, they all go along way.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
First doctors appointment!
Babies heart beat
My no show baby bump!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!