Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My experience! Part 2 of Lamaze class!

I started talking about Lamaze class in a previous post, (Title- breath! hoo...hee...hoo...hee) and how most people think it's all about breathing. I mentioned how, yes, we did discuss breathing, but only for a short amount of time. The previous post covers mostly what we discussed about breathing, we then also practiced a little in class.

I would describe Lamaze class as a birth class, we went through labor and delivery in detail. (Which I will get into more in detail in another post) Since I read the books and I read a lot more then I should on this topic, I thought I would know everything in class and it would just be a way for me to verbally hear it. But hearing it verbally made it so much more real for me, and made me visualize it in a way the books haven't been able to do. But there was also so much informative information that I learnt, that I would have not been able to get out of a book. 

My Lamaze teacher, beside for teaching Lamaze class, is also a doula. Besides for experiencing her own births and just teaching us text book style, she experienced many many other births and was really able to give us versatile information on how the experience of birth will be. Yes you can go online and read peoples crazy brith story and you can go and ask friends and family, but  there answer will probably either sound like a traumatizing experience and how labor was hours and pushing was crazy. Some will even make it sound like a blood bath, and make it seem gory and quite nauseating. Or some weird story how there epidural didn't work and they totally felt pressure. (which actually is completely normal) You'll have some say how they fought with the nurses, some will even yell. And maybe if your lucky someone will give you a positive answer and say how amazing it was.

We all know birth is not something that's easy breezy and how yes it is painful, but why does every one seem to tell us over, and over, and over how crazy giving birth is? Is there noting else to birth beside for how painful and tiring it is? 

One of things I got out of the Lamaze class, is that brith is not only a painful and dreadful experience. Giving birth/labor is giving brith to a new life in the world, you/I am creating a miracle right then and there in front of you. Something/someone that was 'living' inside of you, is about to enter the world and miraculously able to live out here. How is that not beautiful/amazing? Yes 100% it is no easy process, but we know that, everyone tells us that, where are all those story's about how beautiful it was?

Because my Lamaze teach is a doula, (and because of her positive personality) she was able to give over that side of their story. Maybe it is because she wasn't going through the pain, that she is able to give great insight and really make us feel other emotions toward birth, other then scares and pain. But how come when you ask the fathers the experience, it's sound just as bad and sometimes even worst then the one the mother told. 

I know I haven't gone through birth yet, and I seem all positive about it, (so not like me right? Usually I'm complaint to you guys) and I'm probably in for a major reality check when I am on labor. But why not go into labor with a positive feeling towards it, that baby gotta come out some how right! Being positive and feeling excited other then scared to go through the pain, isn't going to make the pain less painful. But when did being positive ever cause harm, it can only help and will make you feel the pain in a different way. 

For me Lamaze class was amazing, could be a personality thing, but I recommend it. Everyone take something else out of a class and with the right teacher there is no harm in taking one. 

I haven't even got to what we actually learnt in class, but that will have to be in a different post. 
The Lamaze class I took, brushy Mayer is amazing! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Lamaze class.
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!