Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I have been getting these random energy boost, at times of the day where I really should be exhausted. My mind can starts racing how I have to clean and organize everything and anything I can get my hands on, IM NESTING! Nesting during pregnancy is as real as when animals nest, the term nesting refers to an instinct or strong urge to prepare your home for the upcoming baby. Not to relate us with animals, but us pregos/soon to be moms have something in common with them.

Nesting usually acurs in the ninth month of pregnancy, and hits stronger just before delivery. But it can hit you before as well, or you may never even get it. Those of you lucky lady's who really have a strong nesting instinct, my door is always opened, and I can use your urges to clean and reorganize my house. 

This past Thursday was my first really strong nesting instinct, I wasn't feel well at all and I spent the day sleeping. At 4pm I woke up and got out of bed to make supper and start doing afew minor things for shabbas. My dear husband told me to rest and he will take care of the rest, either tonight or tomorrow. But once dinner was done and I cleaned it up, my mind was racing how I have to clean my whole house for shabbas and it has to be done this second. I started cleaning around 9:30, I clean everything, my house was spotless the kitchen, living room, dinning room, the laundry, bedroom, bathroom and I even got down on my hands and knees to clean the bath tub. I finished cleaning around 3:00am, yup you heard right, 3:00am, I was busy all night cleaning away. When I was finished it was the best feeling ever, it felt like such an acomplitionment because before I started it felt like such a need. (or maybe it was because of the fact I slept all day that I was able to do it, but nesting sounds better) 

Some women don't get the nesting instinct in the way they feel they need to clean, but have you ever gotten the feeling of wanted to go and buy everything you need for the baby so your prepared? Or go through your child's old boxes and arange everything you can use for the new one coming? How about making list after list and going through it one to many times, to make sure you'll have everything you'll need to go get when the baby comes? That is nesting, your trying to prepare yourself for the little one coming in your own way. 

I've been having more of the nesting instinct of preparing in the scenes that I feel like I need to have everything from A-Z before the baby comes. But like many other people I don't buy things before birth, so I have come up with ways to still feel organized and prepared without buying anything. One of the great things I use to make my lists of everything I need and want for the baby is all in registries, It's a great source to knowing what you still need and what you have/want to get, and it's all kept in safe place. My obsession of making sure I have everything I need in my hospital bag is another way I have been preparing. Also by researching brands and product is a great way to prepare, with out actually preparing. It keeps me busy and educated, so when the time comes ill know what I want, and why I want it. I will have the staifiaction of knowning I made the right choice of researching before I just went and bought it. 

I did give into one of my really really strong needs, I was so worried about not having a car seat for the baby to leave the hospital with. It kept worrying me how the day is getting close and I still don't have one. I know a lot of people borrow from a friend or family member to leave with, but for some reason I have this feeling that I won't be able to get one from someone. I was just being paranoid and had to many worries about the car seat, so I finally bought one. It actually feels really good knowing I have it and the situation is taken care of. It is a big relief to have it, buying it was a big weight off my shoulders.

Those of you nesting enjoy it, I wish had it more often for cleaning and organizing, I'd do organize afew draws, maybe that counts. 

I wanna write more about registry, but I'll do it in another post sometime. I'm also working on an interview, so lots to look forward to. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!