Monday, February 3, 2014

Hospital tour!

The count down continues, one week and one day left till my due date. I can't imagin what the day will be like, as many times as you try picturing it in your head,  nothing can really prepare you for the big day. One of the things I have been trying to get around to do is to take a hospital tour to feel more comfterble in setting when the time comes. I finally got around to it on this lovely snowy day, and it made me feel a little better. Most hospitals will give you the option to take a tour befor your big day, if yours does I recommend you taking it. It shouldn't take more then a half hour and it makes the picture in your head a little more realistic.

When I got to the hospital, I went straight up to labor and delivery where the head nurse meets you. She explained what will happen when I come on the big day. Every hospital is different some will want you to preregister or in like in my case will want you to fill out some simple information when you arrive. 

She then took us in to the labor and delivery room. She showed us what all the creepy looking machine are and they turned out not to be so creepy after all. She showed us how the bed detaches for when it's time to push. She explained to us the prossess of what will happen right after the baby's born, the kind of test it will be given and what will happen in case of emegancy. We were told how many people can be in the room with me. For every hospital is different, in my case it's two people of my choice. I asked if there is a CD player in the room and if I can bring a birth ball along with me, my hospital doesn't have a CD player but they do allow you to bring one with you, and they let to bring a ball. She showed us where the operating room incase its will be needed, and then where you recover after. 

She then took us up the maternity floor, where we got to see the nursery and the rooms. I was alittle disappointed, my hospital has joint rooms. She said you have to get lucky to get a private room, it all depends on the day you give birth, and how busy they are. But I'm very happy with everything else, I guess u can't always get everything. 

We asked her some questions we had and she was more then happy to answer anything we needed. I was really happy I finally took the time to go, I do feel a little more prepared/ready for the big day. For all of you that this is your first pregnancy, I'd say to go and check out the hospital. It made me be able to visualize the day in more of a realistic way. I'm not ganna lie when I first got there and saw the room I got a little nervous, like its actually happening any day now. I guess it was better to freak out now then when I get there for real. Although I probable will still freak out. I am so ready for the big day, I can't wait to meet my baby, it is so time for it to come!! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!