Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is it time?

Follow up on yesterday's post; my husband and I are both okay, thanks for all your messages and concerned questions. No I didn't go into labor because of what happened, my baby is still very much in me! If I did give birth, trust me you guys would know about it. We just all need to wait patiently. I'm 38 weeks today so I can still go for another 4 weeks max, but I'm hoping my baby arrives sooner than that. These sleepless nights and the inability to walk properly is getting kinda old, we are so ready. 

I was up all night (again) trying to get comfortable, but just couldn't find the right spot. When I finally fell asleep I was shortly woken by a big kick/movement, and I had to start all over again! You all know the bathroom routine, at this stage it's almost at every half hour, so it doesn't give me much time to fall asleep before it's time to get out of bed again. Last night was a disaster, I must have drunk too much, and I kept waking up to go, though usually I can sleep through it for at least 3 hours. 

It's past 1pm and I'm still lying in bed, it might be time to start my day, no? I'm so tired I can just go back to sleep, maybe after I post this I'll go get some brunch and go back to bed for a nap! It seems crazy how all I wanna do is sleep; I've become so lazy I don't want to do anything anymore. All I want is to go in labor, and even though I didn't reach my due date I feel overdue. I have been walking, cleaning, eating spicy food and other little tricks that people say to try to help you go into labor, but nothing is working. My baby is clearly not as ready as me, it hasn't got the memo yet that's it's time to go. I probably shouldn't be trying to make labor come already, I've still got time, maybe I'll take a break and just let it happen when it happens. It's not like we can control it anyways, the baby will come when it's ready.

Totally unrelated, one of the reason why today's post is up a little later then usually is because I sent it to someone to proofread. I know I suck at grammar and I'm sure all of you realized that by now, and I know it bothers some of you. Because I am awesome and listen to my followers comments, I am going try this whole proofreading thing and see how it goes. Let's see if you guys notice a difference, if you do please tell me because it will bother me that it doesn't sound like me. I have sent other posts to some editors but I didn't like it, when I was reading it some things didn't sound like things I would say. But I am giving it another shot for you guys, and if it doesn't turn out well, then can you guys do me a favor and pretend like
 my grammar is awesome?

Ok it's nap time now, I can barely keep my eyes opened. Hopefully my sentences make sense, or at least enough for my proofreader to understand. 
    Counting down the days! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!