Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Linea nigra!

Did you noticed a strange dark line on your belly? Maybe you thoughts it was a weird looking stretch mark? The straight line that runs from your belly button down, or can even extend up words till your chest, is called the linea nigra. No one is really sure to why it happens in a straight line, but the linea nigra line is not dangerous and is actually very common in pregnancy. 

As usually, we have our hormones to blame for this. We have a hormones called hyper-pigmentation, that increase production of the pigment. If you get it, you'll notice the line in your second or third trimester, and will stay till after you give birth. It usually effect women with darker colored skin more than those who are fair skinned. It usually goes away on its own after birth, in some cases the color fades but the line might not disappear completely. But don't expect it to disappear right after you give birth, it can take awhile, I'm talking months not days or weeks. 

Because it usually goes away on its own, many experts say not to treat its especially during pregnancy or if you are breast feeding. There are creams out there that can bleach it, but they contain stuff that has not been proven to be safe during pregnancy and for nursing. How ever feel free to try them if your not nursing, who noes maybe they really do work.

If it brothers you that much and your looking for more of a home remedy to try, apply lemon juice on your skin, many women say the acid helps fade hyper-pigmentation. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is it time?

Follow up on yesterday's post; my husband and I are both okay, thanks for all your messages and concerned questions. No I didn't go into labor because of what happened, my baby is still very much in me! If I did give birth, trust me you guys would know about it. We just all need to wait patiently. I'm 38 weeks today so I can still go for another 4 weeks max, but I'm hoping my baby arrives sooner than that. These sleepless nights and the inability to walk properly is getting kinda old, we are so ready. 

I was up all night (again) trying to get comfortable, but just couldn't find the right spot. When I finally fell asleep I was shortly woken by a big kick/movement, and I had to start all over again! You all know the bathroom routine, at this stage it's almost at every half hour, so it doesn't give me much time to fall asleep before it's time to get out of bed again. Last night was a disaster, I must have drunk too much, and I kept waking up to go, though usually I can sleep through it for at least 3 hours. 

It's past 1pm and I'm still lying in bed, it might be time to start my day, no? I'm so tired I can just go back to sleep, maybe after I post this I'll go get some brunch and go back to bed for a nap! It seems crazy how all I wanna do is sleep; I've become so lazy I don't want to do anything anymore. All I want is to go in labor, and even though I didn't reach my due date I feel overdue. I have been walking, cleaning, eating spicy food and other little tricks that people say to try to help you go into labor, but nothing is working. My baby is clearly not as ready as me, it hasn't got the memo yet that's it's time to go. I probably shouldn't be trying to make labor come already, I've still got time, maybe I'll take a break and just let it happen when it happens. It's not like we can control it anyways, the baby will come when it's ready.

Totally unrelated, one of the reason why today's post is up a little later then usually is because I sent it to someone to proofread. I know I suck at grammar and I'm sure all of you realized that by now, and I know it bothers some of you. Because I am awesome and listen to my followers comments, I am going try this whole proofreading thing and see how it goes. Let's see if you guys notice a difference, if you do please tell me because it will bother me that it doesn't sound like me. I have sent other posts to some editors but I didn't like it, when I was reading it some things didn't sound like things I would say. But I am giving it another shot for you guys, and if it doesn't turn out well, then can you guys do me a favor and pretend like
 my grammar is awesome?

Ok it's nap time now, I can barely keep my eyes opened. Hopefully my sentences make sense, or at least enough for my proofreader to understand. 
    Counting down the days! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

What a night!!!!

We all have those crazy nights that make a crazy story, but for me what happened Friday night was on a whole nother level of crazy. I'll start the story from Thursday night, where I was up the entire night (literally) because I was feeling so uncomfortable. I called my doctor first thing in the morning and she told me to come in and get checked out. My doctor recommended I take Benadryl that night so I can get a good night sleep because I haven't been sleeping much at all these days. As much as I didn't want to, I knew I really need to sleep so I listened to her. 

Friday night I took the Benadryl, as soon as our meal was done I headed straight into bed and was fast asleep by 9. A friend of ours recently had a baby boy and the shalom vachar was not to far from our house, so my husband walked over. Would have been pererfect, while I am passed out on Benadryl he was out keeping busy. Like I said it would have been perfect but the Benadryl decided not to work all the well, yes it got me to sleep but didn't keep me sleeping for to long at all, I was wide awake at 11.

Doing the math on how long it would take to get there and back, and how long he would stay, I figured my husband should be home sooner or later, but the latest at 12:30. I waited bored and patiently in bed for him to come, 12:30 came but he didn't. So I thought ok maybe he's having a really good time so he stayed longer then I thought he would. But 1 am came and then 2 am and he still wasn't home, I didn't no if I should panic, but I did think it was very weird that he wasn't home yet. Maybe the Benadryl didn't keep me sleeping but it definitely kept me calm. 

I don't know how, but I managed to doze off again at around 2 something, but was up at 3:15am and he still wasn't home. Ok something was definitely wrong, I kept looking outside to see if I saw him coming, I kept imagining the door open and I would run to check but it was just my imagination. At 4:15 I couldn't take it anymore, the tears started to come and I started to really panic. I put on a sweatshirt, rain boots, a snow hat, and wrapped myself in a blanket from my waist down and went outside. 

I walked up and down my drive way, and checked all around the house, who noes maybe he was passed out in back yard for some reason. I'm usually a scaredy-cat and would be terrified to go out alone let alone go into my backyard, but some how I manged. I didn't know what to do anymore so first thing that came to mind was to get help. 

At 4:30am I banged on my next door neighbors house, they yelled from a window "who's there?" At this point I was balling "it's Chumy Herman from next door" they seemed alittle annoyed but who could blame them it is 430am "what do you want?" I started cring even more "I need your help" looking at me confused "ok with what?" "I need your help, I don't know what to do anymore, my husbands missing he never came home" finally there tone of voice calmed down, and they said ok there coming to open to the door.

I told them what going on, there first reaction was he's drunk and probably didn't want to walk home. But knowing my husband I knew that wasn't the case. Then they suggested that maybe he fell asleep there or he decied it was to cold to walk back. But I know my husband, the cold wouldn't stop him, and if he did fall asleep, I think someone would have woken him and sent him home to his 9 month pregnant wife. 

When I explained to them that something has to be wrong, there is no other reason he wouldn't come home, they realized and that something was up, it's been 7 hrs and I have no idea where he is. Keeping me calm (so I don't go into labor)  They told me to call Hatzalah so they can go out to look for him. So here's a twist to the story, my husband took his phone with him incase I needed to reach him, and it was time to go to the hospital. (with ravs approval of course) we had whole system planed, if he wasn't home in 20 min max then I had another number to call. 

When I told my neighbor they were like perfect, call him he could see you called and come running home, confused to why I have waited this long and why I didn't call him hours ago. They suggested I call from my phone and not there's so he sees it's me. The wife came back with me to make sure I was keeping calm and to make sure everything was ok. 

I call him but no answer (he wasn't supposed to answer he was just supposed to come home) we waited 15 minutes and still nothing. As I was about to call Hatzalah to send people out to look for him, he calls me back. I pick up in shock and in tears, "where are you!?? What is going on?!? Are you ok!?!" He sounded alittle bit in a daze or in his sleep "I'm in the emergency room, I fell on ice and hit my head really hard and split my face opened" I started crying even more, I felt so bad for him "are you ok?" He didn't sound like him self, "I hit my head they took me to make sure I don't have a concussion, I got a big cut on my face and a big bruise on my forehead."

I was glad he was ok, but confused to why no one came to tell me. I asked him why, he said he thinks he said I took Benadryl and I would be fast asleep, so no one should wake me, he doesn't remember. He hit his hard really hard, he said he think he was passed out alittle. People told him he was throwing up and acting weird, that's why they were concerned he had a concussion. Thank god though he doesn't have a concussion, but he has a big bruise on his forehead that is swollen. No stitches, just glue on his cut that goes from eye brow to eye brow. He got home at 6am, safe and sound. 

What a night it was for us, I still think it crazy. I'm amazed how I stayed calm till 4, and extremely embarrassed that I woke the neighbor at that hour. But I'm glad I did, I know it was the right thing for me tod o. God works in mysterious ways, it's a good thing he had his phone on him, otherwise there would have been search parts looking around for him. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fun facts!

This may sound cheesy but thanx to all my followers, you guys are awesome. I never would have thought my blog would do so well, I thought maybe a max of 50 people would read it, but I was so wrong. Fun fact about my blog, the most views a post has gotten is 407 views!!! I'm so proud, I hope to get more and more. Keep reading and spreading the word about my blog, to everyone and anyone you know. I want to do a contest for you guys, but after my baby is born, so you can win some awesome baby products, keep on the look out! 

For today's post I'm keeping it light, enjoy some fun facts about pregnancy.

We have all heard the common expression a pregnant woman can glow, most people use the term to say the woman's excitement about becoming a mommy. But glowing skin is a very real thing for pregnant women. While you're pregnant, the amount of blood in your body will increase by 50%. The extra blood ends up showing through the skin in many areas. Hormones cause the oil glands to become more active, making you have a softer, shinier appearance. When the increased blood flow combines with shine, the result is a noticeable glow. 

Do you feel like you smell everything? During pregnancy, your sense of smell increases drastically, as does your sense of taste. They say it is to help pregnant mothers avoid eating small levels of toxins that would be harmless to us, but not so harmless to our baby.

Did you know that contraction don't end after birth? Most mothers will have contractions for the first few days after birth. The muscle cramps are the body's way of stopping excess blood loss. 

Not all pregnant women will have cravings, pregnancy cravings are rooted in the body’s extra need for minerals, so listen to your cravings. 

Remember I was telling you about eating for two? Most women will only need an extra 300 calories per day and only need to gain about 25 pounds throughout their entire pregnancy.

Wanna be jealous of some women? Approximately 70% of pregnant mothers report experiencing some symptoms of morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. I am jealous of the other 30% who don't! 

If you need an excuse to buy new shoe, I have a great one for you. Did your feet get bigger? Did you grow in shoe side? Towards the end of your pregnancy, your body starts to release the tightness of its ligaments to help with the birthing process. This also means your feet start to lose their arch and stretch out on the sides. If it looks wider now that will probably be temporary, but if they grew to much That can be permanent. 

Are you so into you due date and think your giving birth that exact day? Truth is that only less than 10% of babies are born on their exact due date, 50% are born within one week of the due date, and 90% are born within two weeks of the date. 

As creepy as it may seem, one in every two thousand babies are born with a tooth.

Did you ever think if the baby feels anything when the cord is cut? Don't worry your baby does not feel a thing when the cord is cut after birth.

Babies in the womb get hiccups because of breathing and drinking the amniotic fluid. As the fluid enters and exits the lungs, the diaphragm contracts bringing about the hiccups.

If you know of any other fun facts about pregnancy feel free to share! 

Listen to your cravings! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Letting your hormones get the best of you!

I noticed yesterday as I was writing the post, how I don't mentioned much of other story's where I let my hormones get the best of me. (I did once about the black pepper in my dinner) It wasn't the first time that I cried from something that happened, but never as bad as Sunday. So for today's post ill embarrass myself and write short story's on some of the other times I cried for dumb reason. Hey I can't help myself sometime, I'm pregnant, my hormones take over and just let loose in the form of tears! 

Ok so I might not be the only one in this situation, we all have trouble sleeping at some point in our pregnancy, but did you ever cry over it? A couple of times I'd cry because I was so tired and couldn't fall asleep, I would get frustrated and just cry about it. Adventaully the cring put me to sleep, I should cry more often before I go to bed, it seems to help me sleep. I also one time came home from a busy day and just cried that I'm so tired, and I wanted to take a nap, nut dinner wasn't made yet. My dear husband told me to go to sleep and he'll take care of it, I woke up about two hours later to a heaven dinner. 

I was calling afew pediatric offices for information about there practice, to find the right doctor for my baby. I called an office and the resection couldn't have been more rude. I was put on hold for about 20 min right away, when she finally came back this is how our conversation went
Me: Hi my name is Chumy Herman, I'm due in February I wanted to know if the doctor is taking new...(interrupted)
Her: Are you a patient? 
Me: No, I'm looking ... (Interrupted)
Her: Well, Is your child a patient? 
Me: No, I said I'm due in February... If you listen to me I can tell you why I am calling, I was wondering if the doctor is.. (Interrupted)
Her: Well if you or child isn't a patient I can't help you.
Me: I just wanted to know if (interrupted yet again) 
Her: I told you, I can't help you, and the doctor isn't taking any new patients.
Me: Ok thank you, that is all I wanted to know, I'm not sure why you had to be so rude. If you would have listened to me in the first place you could have answered my question much faster. 
Her: I'm sorry You thought I was rude, but you weren't...
(as soon as I heard she was ganna blame something on me)
Me: Thank you, have a nice day (CLICK!! I hung up)
I don't know why at the time it bothered me so much, but I hung up the phone and cried. 

I was on line at the gas station to get gas, and I saw that aisle the other side had no line. I motioned to the worker if I can go to that spot and he said ya. To make sure he understood what I said I rolled down my window and asked again, "can I go there" he said ya. All excited, I leave my line and go to the empty spot. I pull up and the guy says you can't do that, I was so confused, didn't he just tell me I can? He says "you can't cut the whole line, people are waiting." I asked him "didn't you just tell me I can come here?" He says "no, I must have miss understood what you said you have to go back in line." All mad and all confused, of course came the tears. I went back to the long line I was in, but only to be 3 cars behind now. I haven't been to that gas station since then, it's still emotional for me. 

Is four story's enough? I have more but as I think of  them now, it's kind of embarsing why I cried. But I'm sure you all have your crazy stories as well, feel free to share them, it will make me feel better about mine. 
If you missed yesterday's post, go back and read it for another story to why I cried. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Major problem, simple solution!

Oh wow, what a day I had yesterday, oh boy was I nesting. I woke up, from a very sleepless night, and decied I wanted to organize my closets and some draws, and place them in containers. I took everything out and made piles for each container, I needed about 10 containers in all different sizes. I had it all written down on paper,  each pile had a name, hats, belts etc. and what kind of organizing item it needed. I get to the store feeling all confident how I have everything under control. I found good containers that were even on sale, and nice fabric ones for the front closet. I was also looking for a simple book self to place all my albums on, but I had a very specific measurements. I searched for a while but I couldn't find any that fit the measurements, so I gave up and I didn't get any. 

After spending about two hours in the store, I paid for my stuff and got home all excited to start putting everything away. The view when walking in was a disaster, things were fling every where, it all needed to be put back away. So far sounds good right? I take out my fabric buckets and filled it back up and brought it to the closet. But that's when I started to burst out in to tears, the buckets I bought were to big and didn't fit on the shelf. I was so disappointed (probably just extremely over tired) I worked so hard in the store, and to come home and find out it was all a waste was devastating. 

I called my husband in a panic, crying my eyes out how the dumb buckets don't fit. He must have thought I was insane, but I had never gotten so mad over something so simple before, so he knew it must have really bothered me. He said he'll come home right away, comforted that he'll come and help me calm down, I took the containers to do the other closet. Filling them up was a breeze everything fit perfectly, It was making me feel less as bad about the other closet. 

Everything was in container and now it was time to cover them, but the tears came again and even harder this time. For some odd reason I left half the coveres in the store that I needed and the other half was completely missed size. I have no idea how that happened, I was so so so upset, (or really really over tired) how can I forget to take covers. I called my husband again, crying even harder this time, and he said he'll be home in two min and we will go straight back to the store. 

He gets home assesses my mess, and discovers something so genius. The fabric buckets may have not fit on the bottom shelf, but they sure fit on the top one, problem solved there. I felt kinda dumb that there was such a simple salution to want seemed like such hassle to me. But I felt very greatfull for having him figure that out, but we still had the cover mess to figure out.

We went back to the store got all the right covers needed, and he even found a sulation to my book shelf problem and we were able to get one of those as well. I still am confused to how I managed to mess up something so simple, who knew buying containers were so difficult. 

My husband had a engagement party last night, so he said he'll have to build the shelfs another time.
I was to determined to get everything done, I couldn't wait till everything was all cleaned up. So I built the whole bookshelf myself, put it into place and filled the shelf up. My husband had a nice surprise when he came home, he was confused how I was able to built it, he thought he would have even had a hard time doing it. But don't mess with a nesting pregnant lady, we can do anything our mind is set to, except maybe the real simple stuff, like putting the buckets on a different shelf. 

I was proud of myself at the end of night of how much I was able to get done in one day. My mistakes just made it a better store and I feel like I got even more done because they were all fixed by the time the day was over, thanx to my dear husband of course. I look back now and I think it's kinds funny how much I really cried over something like this. I AM SO PREGO!! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dear baby!!!!

Dear baby,
Last night was no fun at all, but I'm glad you enjoyed it, how was your party? While you were dancing mommy was trying to sleep and you just didn't let me. You twist and turned as if you were demanding attention, so I layed rubbing my belly to calm you down, but nothing did the trick. I think the party or shall I say fight started for you, when I felt that Braxton hicks contraction I guess you didn't like it. It probably made you uncomfterble, you got squished I'm sorry. It wasn't any better for me, it was a strong one we never felt that before, but I'm glad we're going through this together. But next time don't go all nuts after, it made it worst for me, every time you moved it was so uncomfterble. 

We also will be experiencing many more of those soon, so start getting used to it. Try not to freak out, or you'll make me a nervous reck, and will make it harder for both of us. 

I was starting to worry that something was wrong, because you really hit all the right spots. But they weren't the same spots as always, so I got scared that maybe after you being squished you changed positions. I usually feel ur feet and hands kicking and punching on the right side, but last night I felt it on the bottom left. I think you moved back though cause I don't feel you there anymore, I will keep an eye on that today.

Last night I was trying all sorts of different positions so we can both be comfterble. I even tried sitting with my legs crossed and 6 pillows on my lap, but I couldn't fall asleep like that. I tried the couch, but that didn't work either. We got comfterble leaning back on 3 pillows, with my knees bent. You finally calmed down about 2:30 am and let me fall asleep. Let's not let this happen to often, you have been making trouble these days and all I want is a good night sleep. I hope you behave tonight, I will be avoiding any unnessasry sugars to keep you nice and calm. 

Love mommy! 

P.s These hick ups you have been getting lately isn't fun either, there actually quite annoying! No offense. Mwa love you xoxo 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Unaccomplished and unproductive? Or accomplished and productive!

I can't believe how time goes by so fast, it's crazy how I am nine months already. It seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant, and thinking how far February is and how long it will take to get there. Usually times goes by when your busy and productive, but I wasn't even so busy or productive do to the fact of my pregnancy. Because I had such a hard time in the begging of my pregnancy I had to put my carrier on hold, I was hopping to get back to it when I got better, but my health was to unpridtable and I became unreliable.

There's was a few aspects of my job that made it almost impossible to work during my pregnancy. My job required me to do a lot of talking, and in the beginning of my pregnancy I was even to weak to talk. Beside for being weak, almost every time I opened my mouth I would grab a bag and gag hopping not to barf. How unprofessional would it be if I was sitting in a meeting and gagging every few minutes. My job also required a lot of traveling, and some days I couldn't even sit because of back pain and when I'm in the car its even worst. (still hurts in the car) But like I said it was someday, not all, but I wouldn't know till that day if I was able to or not and my job needed a lot of scheduling involved. 

It's not easy putting your life on hold so u can have 9m of sick days, sitting in bed in pjs all day isn't as fun anymore. I get anxious and restless to get out somedays even though I'm not feeling great at all. Now that the I'm almost done I look back and wonder what I did all this time, And it's not that much at all. I worried, I cried, I laughed, I complained, I cooked, I cleaned. I slept, I slept, I slept, and I complained how I don't sleep, because most of my sleep time I get is in the day. But even though it kinda feels so unacomplishing, my baby gives me alittle kick and it suddenly becomes the most productive months of my life! I am creating a life inside of me, I am pregnant and we all know it's not the easiest thing, so it's the most accomplishing and productive thing I could have been doing.

The next time someone asks me what I did these last few months I won't feel guilty, and say nothing. I can say I was busy being pregnant and taking care of myself. For me to put my life on hold to make sure my baby and I will be healthy, that's accomplishing, that's something I should be proud to say I did these past few months, and I shouldn't feel guilty about it.

If anyone of you are in a similar situation then me, and is feeling kinda down and ashamed, it's time we don't be. We have so much to look forward to when it's over, we will have accomplished so much, we will have created a human, and how is that not accomplishing?
This is what we accomplished! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Newlywed and pregnant!

Over the weekend I got to see a really old friend of mine, we actually have been friends since were really younge, like diaper age even. As we were catching up about everything in life, of course we got to the topic about pregnancy. My friend had mentioned how she sees girls from her grade who got married alittle while ago that are pregnant for almost the same amount of time as there marriage. Yes they should be extremely blessed that god gave them the ability to become pregnant so easy, but she said they seemed very depressed. So why it that these younge girls who are in there honeymoon stage and pregnant, which is the greatest miracle ever, seem so down and depressed? I can't speak for all of them because of course there very well mite be something wrongs with the marriage, but I think I can understand and im sure more of us can relate to this issue as well. 

Before we got married and were buying all the kitchen supplies, we probably had all dinners planed out for the next few weeks and in which pot and pan it will be made in. When buying the laundry basket we pictured ourselves doing the laundry. We kept thinking how cute of a wife well be, fancy dinners clean house, and laundry done. Of course we will look picture perfect because how embarsing it will be if our husband saw us looking ugly. And hate to break it to you men also think this way, unless he's a chief or very clean person, chances are he's relying on us to do it. They know we won't always be in makeup and in dresses but that's how they know us, so that how they imagining it.

We get married and we begin playing house, our fancy dinners made, our house is spotless and laundrys alway kept up to date. For some of use the fairytale continues a little longer but for some it ends very shortly. Suddenly they find out the greatest news of their lives, THEY'RE PREGNANT! 

About two weeks later their lives are completely different than what they imagine their marriage would be like. The fancy dinner turn into takeout or left over of left overs because they couldn't handle the smell of cooking or they were to sick and tired to make anything. The laundry basket is full and there husband has no clean socks to wear, so he helps and does the laundry. The house suddenly looks like a tornado hit it but they can't be bothered by cleaning, because they are to tired, sick and unable to get out of bed. The husband Image of dresses and make up is now of pjs, pale skin, and there face stuck in a bag. 

For any marriage pregnancy can be a real strain, the husbands are contestanly having to take care of us and the house. But those who aren't newlyweds, there husband know when we are overreacting because of hormones. He knows we always made dinner and the laundry was done, and he knows it's not done because of pregnancy and not because we just didn't want to. 

For a newlywed couple to be going through pregnancy can be really stressful, he doesn't know if this is the real her or it's just because she's pregnant, no matter how many times they tell him I'm not like this, he doesn't/can't fully believe her. Yes, sometimes it can be really depressing, that is not how they imagined it, their lives are a disaster, and they feel disappointed. Some days can go by without speaking normally to one another, pregnant women just complain and ask for thing all day. What else beside crazy is a newlyweded husband sapose to think of his wife, if thats the way she acts and that's the way he's being treated. Their husbands may be distant because he thinks they are a psychopath, for many reason, it can be because everything he say she's just cries and gets insulted and says how mean he is, when all he was doing was trying to help and comfort her. Or one minute you want something and then the next you don't.

It doesn't mean at all they have a bad marriage, it just means they have much more of a challenge to overcome, being pregnant is a big strain on their marriage. Some at the end of the day are still filled with love and joy for their husbands and with their pregnancy, and some are down/depressed and  feeling ashamed how they honestly wish they weren't pregnant. Some love there husbands even more, because of how helpful and understanding he is, and some are wishing their husband can be more understand. And some can be feeling all of these examples, depending on your day, mood and hormone levels. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The miracle within!!

As my baby grows more and more, the less room it has to swim around. This past week I have noticed a big change, every little move my baby takes is so noticeable even from the outside. Seeing the movement is the most amazing thing,  but ofcourse it has a down side. My baby gets hyper on apples and I can't seem to stop eating them. One night I ate an apple before bed and was up all night with my baby partying away. It wouldn't stop moving for 3 hours, yes it's amazing to watch I couldn't stop looking at it but it's incredibly annoying as well. Non stop twist and turns, and hitting me and all the wrong place can be kinda painfull and uncomfterble especially while trying to fall asleep. 

My baby just didn't seem to get the memo that it's night time and that means sleep! As I was laying there watching and feeling my belly I decied to record it, if I was amazed by it now I thought it would be a really nice thing to have. 

I hope you don't think I'm crazy for sharing it with you, but it will bring a smile to your face and show you the incredible miricale happening inside of us.

(I'm having trouble uploading the video to my website, you can find the video on our Facebook and Instagram page! Looking forward to your comments.)

Last night my baby was hyper again, and all I wanted was to see it moving around, if only we had acsess to sonograms when ever we wanted. So as I was wishing I made up alittle poem, I did it really fast and didn't think much of it. But I sent it to my sister and a friend and they both really enjoyed it, so I'll share with you the poem. 

I wish my belly was transparent, so I can watch you. 
I wish I can watch, so I can see you grow. 
I wish I can see you grow, so I can watch the miracle. 
I wish I can watch the miracle, so I appreciate my body more.
I wish I can appreciate my body more, so I can treat it better.
I wish I can treat my body better, so you can be safe. 
I wish it's safe for you, so you can be born health. 
I wish you can be born, so I can see you. 
I wish I can see you, so I can make sure your ok. 
I wish I can make sure your ok, so I can be able to love you more.
I wish I can be able to love you more then I do now.

Reading it now I probably would have changed it alittle but I wanted to share it, unedited and exactly what I was feeling in the spare of the moment. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Product review, the benefits of a birth ball!

I know I haven't been doing product reviews, it's because I plan to do it more on baby products and I haven't tried any of them out yet. You'll have to wait till the baby comes, but today I thought of a product to share with you. I have mentioned in the post of what to pack in your hospital bag about a birth/gym ball and how it can benefit during labor, but I didn't mention how it can benefit before. 
I guess it's not much of a product review because there's no specific company I'm talking about, it's just about the over all concept of the ball.

I have a birth ball that I have been using for play, and for its actually purpose. My husband and I tend to play catch with this huge ball, that ends up hitting something it not sapose to and then our game ends.  But beside for playing catch and sometimes soccer, I use it for its purpose and I find it has been benefiting me. 

If you buy a ball or have one stores someplace, get it and blow it up. If your going on the ball for the first time maybe put it against a wall or have someone hold it so you don't go flying back forwards and end up with your feet in the air. You may need to give yourself a chance to get use to balancing on it, especially if your future along in your pregnancy. Also wear non-slip socks or shoes so you don't go sliding, or better yet go barefoot.

Sit comfortably with your feet spread apart with your hands on your knees and rock back and forth, side to side, and clockwise. You can even do a little bounces on it, just remember you do have a baby in there so don't give it a huge ride. If your not balancing good on it, hold on to something near by or place a chair in front of you and hold on to the back of it for better support. This a little exercise is to improve your posture, balance and even your stomach muscles. For those with bad back pain try it, it should help you sit up right and take the pressure off for spine. Exercising your stomach muscle is great way to help your body to support the weight of your pregnancy. And who noes maybe it will help you get a little more tuned to help with after birth. Same benefits apply is you lean over your ball from a kneeling position. 

Leaning over the ball does wonders for me, it really helps take the pressure off my back. After a long day of keeping busy and especially friday night after preparing a shabbas, you'll find me on my ball to help ease the pain. I also use it in the kneeling position to try and get the baby to switch its postion. When I feel it non stop kicking on my ribs, I'll be laying there trying to get it to turn a little for some relief. You can also try this postion if you baby's not head down, kneeling and leaning over on your ball can help make your baby move to the right postion (siting also has this benefit). Although it may not stay that way till birth, keep trying it, it's for your own good. 

These two positions can be used during labor as well, also by leaning over your ball while standing (obviously with the ball prompted up on a bed or something) If your having back labor using a ball should help a lot, it will also give anyone great access to you back so they can massage or put pressure on your back for your pain. Squatting is a great postion during labor, because of the awesome thing known as gravity, squatting will help your baby move down, it also creates a wide opening in your pelvis. Squatting can be a great pastion for the pushing phase of labor, because of its benifits

Sitting upright on you ball during labor gives you the freedom of movement, without moving to much. It also eases your pain, encourages dilation and effacing, and it should bring you baby down upon the cervix. So why not use a birth ball, you won't know till you try it if it benefits you or not. If you don't want to invest in one, some hospital even have it in the delivery room. Ask your doctor if your hospital provides a birth ball, or if you hiring a duala ask her, she may also be bring one. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I have been getting these random energy boost, at times of the day where I really should be exhausted. My mind can starts racing how I have to clean and organize everything and anything I can get my hands on, IM NESTING! Nesting during pregnancy is as real as when animals nest, the term nesting refers to an instinct or strong urge to prepare your home for the upcoming baby. Not to relate us with animals, but us pregos/soon to be moms have something in common with them.

Nesting usually acurs in the ninth month of pregnancy, and hits stronger just before delivery. But it can hit you before as well, or you may never even get it. Those of you lucky lady's who really have a strong nesting instinct, my door is always opened, and I can use your urges to clean and reorganize my house. 

This past Thursday was my first really strong nesting instinct, I wasn't feel well at all and I spent the day sleeping. At 4pm I woke up and got out of bed to make supper and start doing afew minor things for shabbas. My dear husband told me to rest and he will take care of the rest, either tonight or tomorrow. But once dinner was done and I cleaned it up, my mind was racing how I have to clean my whole house for shabbas and it has to be done this second. I started cleaning around 9:30, I clean everything, my house was spotless the kitchen, living room, dinning room, the laundry, bedroom, bathroom and I even got down on my hands and knees to clean the bath tub. I finished cleaning around 3:00am, yup you heard right, 3:00am, I was busy all night cleaning away. When I was finished it was the best feeling ever, it felt like such an acomplitionment because before I started it felt like such a need. (or maybe it was because of the fact I slept all day that I was able to do it, but nesting sounds better) 

Some women don't get the nesting instinct in the way they feel they need to clean, but have you ever gotten the feeling of wanted to go and buy everything you need for the baby so your prepared? Or go through your child's old boxes and arange everything you can use for the new one coming? How about making list after list and going through it one to many times, to make sure you'll have everything you'll need to go get when the baby comes? That is nesting, your trying to prepare yourself for the little one coming in your own way. 

I've been having more of the nesting instinct of preparing in the scenes that I feel like I need to have everything from A-Z before the baby comes. But like many other people I don't buy things before birth, so I have come up with ways to still feel organized and prepared without buying anything. One of the great things I use to make my lists of everything I need and want for the baby is all in registries, It's a great source to knowing what you still need and what you have/want to get, and it's all kept in safe place. My obsession of making sure I have everything I need in my hospital bag is another way I have been preparing. Also by researching brands and product is a great way to prepare, with out actually preparing. It keeps me busy and educated, so when the time comes ill know what I want, and why I want it. I will have the staifiaction of knowning I made the right choice of researching before I just went and bought it. 

I did give into one of my really really strong needs, I was so worried about not having a car seat for the baby to leave the hospital with. It kept worrying me how the day is getting close and I still don't have one. I know a lot of people borrow from a friend or family member to leave with, but for some reason I have this feeling that I won't be able to get one from someone. I was just being paranoid and had to many worries about the car seat, so I finally bought one. It actually feels really good knowing I have it and the situation is taken care of. It is a big relief to have it, buying it was a big weight off my shoulders.

Those of you nesting enjoy it, I wish had it more often for cleaning and organizing, I'd do organize afew draws, maybe that counts. 

I wanna write more about registry, but I'll do it in another post sometime. I'm also working on an interview, so lots to look forward to. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How the night goes by so fast!

Wow it's crazy how somedays I just don't have energy to do anything, and others I clean my whole house and still go out. Today I woke up at 1:45pm, I don't know how I'm able to sleep for so long. I guess my body is so tired from all my sleepless nights, that it finally gave me a break and let me catch up. I usually twist and turn all night tiring to get comfortable, but can never find a good position. 

Heading towards the end of my pregnancy, has come with all it's uncofterblness it has to offer. As my baby gets bigger, the less room it has in there and the more comfortable it is for me. Every little move and flitch hits you like a storm, and when it's really on a move it's the most uncomfortable feeling, and can some times even be painful. My baby of course has great talent, and know exactly where and when to hit me. 

I was driving home from the city last night, and I had just past the gas station. About two minutes later, BAM right in my bladder and wouldn't move. If only it happened two minutes early, then I would have been fine and exited to the rest area. But instead I had to wait patiently to get home, or for it to move off my bladder.

I get into bed, I get comfortable, but then my baby decide to get comfortable to, right in my ribs of course. So now it's time to find a new postion. How about on my left side? Ok so far so good, suddenly I have the biggest itch ever. Now I'm laying there trying not to scratch, but of course I do, so now I'm scratching. Ok now that that's done, time to find a new postion. One leg up one leg down, one arm out one arm up, ok this is comfterble right? Nope now the baby decided it party time, so while it's dancing, I'm twisting and turning to all positions possible so it settles down in a comfterble spot. Ahh finally were both calm, ok now I can fall asleep. Oh wait no! from all that dancing now I need the bathroom. Ouch but I was finally comfterble, but if I don't go now it will just be worst later. 

Ok I'm back in bed now let's find that spot, that was comfterble. So my hand was here, and my foot here, my head was right here, ok perfect. But this is so uncomfortable! Must have not been laying like this, a little adjustment here, a little ajustnment there, ok got it! Suddenly ow leg cramp! leg cramp! Quickly stretch it, move it around, now I have to get comfterble again! 

Wow how was that over two hours! Ok I'm exhausted ill fall asleep now, right? Wrong! Now I'm hot, so I take off my blanket, ah nice and cool, let me take a drink to cool myself down as we'll. 20 min later, ok now it chilly, put blanket back on, prefect! Oh wait, not again! but I just went to the bathroom, how do I have to go again. Look at the clock it's over an hour since the last time I went, and the water bottles half empty, on that's why! 

Ok back in bed again, getting comfortable, getting comfortable...... Finally, finally, finally I'm asleep!!! 

This happens almost every night, without exaggeration! I'm know you believe me, you are going through the same thing! Here's to better nights of sleep in this new year! Good luck!! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Head 2 Toe!

Sing with me..... Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes... eyes, ears, chin, mouth and nose. 

Why am I singing this? Well it's because pregnancy literally effects all of them, and we'll go through each one and see how. 

Head- Beside for feeling sometimes as if we don't have one, because of the lack of focus we have, and we keep loosing and forgetting things. Head aces are extremely common during pregnancy, it's can be for afew reasons. In your first trimester it can be because of hormone changes and your increase in blood volume. Later in your pregnancy it can be because of your posture, and change in vision. (hence the eyes, but we'll come back to it) You can also have headache because of lack of sleep, low blood sugar, dehydration, caffeine withdraw and stress, from all the changes.

Shoulders, (but let's change it to back) ... Back- We all know what crazy things pregnancy can do to our back. Our postures change, from carrying something heavy all the time, which causes our back to hurt. Not being able to find a comfortable sleeping position, and trying many new ones, can cause back pain too. The baby's position can be a real strain on your back as we'll. 

Knees (we'll change to legs)... Legs- Do they feel like puddy? Or heavy? So many things can happen to our legs during pregnancy. There's varicose veins, and there's there the issue of swelling, and leg cramps. But did you ever hear of the term 'Restless leg syndrome'? Did you ever feel the sudden urge or need to suddenly move your leg, because it feel itchy, creepy, burning, pulling or tight? That feeling of having to move them, and shake it for a few seconds or minutes, to get some relief only to have to do it again in a little while. This feeling can be a real pain (pun intended) when trying to fall asleep, it can keep you up and busy for quite some time. 

Toes- Swollen yet? Can you fit into your shoes still? Some women feet and toes get so swollen during pregnancy, that they can't even fit into there own shoes anymore. 

Eyes- Did you know that your eye sight can change during pregnancy? But don't go and buy tuns of new glasses just yet, your vision will go back to the way it was after birth. Hormon changes, metabolism, fluid retention and blood circulation can all be effecting your eye site during pregnancy.

Ears- Have you been hearing funny sounds in your ears? Any ringing, buzzing, clicking or even a heartbeat sound? This can be something called Tinnitus. I'm not sure why it happeneds, I know it's pregnancy related. So if you have it, talk to your doctor for more information. 

Chin- We all know you gain weight in pregnancy, we can even gain enough to now have a double chin. 

Mouth- Besides for your gums bleeding and other teeth issues, have you noticed that you have bad breath? As if we don't have enough embarrassing things, we now have to also worry about our breath. Bad breath can be from many different things, of course are hormones are one to blame. When we are dehydrated, our mouths get dry and then the bad breaths comes along with that. Morning sickness, and stomach acid, all those thing coming up or trying to come up can be a major factor to your bad breath. Ever got out of bed in middle of night to grab a snack, and didn't brush your teeth after? Yup, your creating plaque build up, by not brushing again, and that will certainly give you bad breath. 

Nose- Do you have a stuffy nose that doesn't seem to be going away any time soon? Or even nosebleeds? Stuffy nose is extremely common during pregnancy, it's because of your high levels of estrogens and progesterone. Your increase in blood flow to all body mucous membrane, is not only making your feet swell, but also your nose, and it is making it nice and stuffy. 

Did I just put a whole new prospective on the song for you? Isn't it crazy how much our body can change all because of one tiny little thing, that seems to make a huge diffrance in our lives. 
Head, shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes... Eyes, ears, chin, mouth and nose!!!!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!