Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Induction! Brith story part two!

It's was 9pm on Friday the 21st of February, iv been in the hospital since 2 that afternoon and still only 2cm dilated. I was warned that being induced isn't the most comfterble thing to go through but I was not prepared for the amount of discomfort it actaully is. If your already a certain amount of centimeters dilated, getting the epidural before hand is an option so you don't feel what going on. If your cervix is softened and your dilated at least 4 or something, you might get the easy way out and just get a medication called poticin pumped through your IV which should cause your body to start having stronger and more consistant contractions. 

Because I was neither softened or dilated I didn't have any of the easy options to get induced. There is few other induction options that your doctor will try to jump start your labor, using a prostaglandins and a Foley catheter, I got both. A prostaglandins is a medication in a pill form that is inserted into you to help soften your cervix. A Foley catheter is (in my own words) this tube/balloon as thick as your finger but longer, that's inserted into you. Once it's in, they pore water into the ballon to put pressure on the cervix to release the hormones that causes your cervix it dilate and soften. When your cervix begins to dilate and is about 4cm the ballon will fall out. This process was so painful for me, getting the Foley catheter was the worst part of my labor! 

9:20pm my induction was over! Because of the pain or trauma my body went through I started to faint. My husband quickly called the nurse in, she gave me cold water and she sat there for about 20 minutes keeping me calm and awake. The room was spining, I was hot and cold at the same time, and my body was quivering . When I finally calmed down I just layed in bed trying not to move to much because it hurt and don't forget I was still having contractions. I just layed there for hours half sleeping waiting for the ballon to fall out.

A little before 2am I called the nurse to unplug all the things I was attached to so I can go to the bathroom. When I came back they said the ballon sometimes needs a tiny tug to come out, so they will check if it's ready to come out or not. The did one tiny pull and out it came, it was such a relief. When I saw what it looked like I was in shock, the ballon was almost the size of an egg. 

Yay; I was finally 4cm dilated and I was now able to get the Epidural. I wasn't even having strong contractions but there still Contractions and they're quite annoying, and I didn't want to wait until it was too unbearable. At 2AM the anesthesiologist came in and did its thing, when she was done it was like magic best medical creation ever!! I just laid there watching the monitor in amazement everytime I had a contraction and didn't feel anything. 

I was half sleeping most of the time during me labor, but after getting the epidural I really fell asleep. I woke up here and there for Afew seconds as nurses and doctors came in to check on me. If your wondering where my husband was all this time, he was fast asleep (Except during the action like the actually induction and getting the epidura) my labor wasn't so intense and I was really managing it well so we just chilled and slept.

Around 4:30am I woke up in pain, for some reason the epidural stopped working on the left side of my body. It was so weird feeling, I couldn't feel anything on the right side but the left side was really hurting. They had started me on poticin some time between getting the epidural at 2 and when I woke up at 4:30, apparently they told me but I was in my sleep that I can't really remember when exactly it was. Because of the poticin the contraction were actually really strong. To be honest I did start to cry, maybe it was a mix of over tiredness, nerves and pain but I still cried. At 5:30 the anesthesiologist finally came to fix it for me.

To be contained!! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

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