Thursday, February 27, 2014

Birth story!!

February 22 my beautiful baby girl decied to come into this world!
It all began when my doctor started talking about induction, February 21 at 10 am was our deadline. I was feeling very nervous about being induced and it was something I was hopping wouldn't have to happen. I tried talking to my doctor to let me go a little longer, so Tuesday February 25 was the latest possible. But I had to see the doctor Friday morning to see if everything looked ok and she would tell me if I would be able to wait till Tuesday. 

Friday morning came faster then I hoped but still no baby, but something was different that morning. I have woken up at 5:30am from my husbands alarm and noticing I was feeling contractions. I wasn't feeling to excited about it as I was feeling them the past couple of weeks anyways. As time went by I noticed my contractions were still coming so I started to keep track of them to show the doctor.

At my doctors appointment I was told I was not even opened 2cm yet, but
that something was definitely happening today, either my contraction would start becoming more regular and I would go into labor naturally or I would have to be induced. My 10 am appointment was pushed off to when ever I wanted that afternoon, but it had to be that afternoon.

My doctors office is a good 25 minute drive from my house so we stuck around town to pass time, so we made a trip to wall mart and the mall. I walked around hoping things would progress, counting every contraction I felt, but they weren't getting stronger. My contraction in the early stage of labor wasn't bad at all, I was able to walk, talk and shop. 

Probably one of the most asked question during pregnancy is how will I know I'm in labor, and I know I asked that question one to many times. Like everyone else says, when it happened you will know. I knew something was happening because I have been feeling Braxton hicks contraction for the past few weeks, but on Friday they were a little different, a little stronger and they actually stayed for more then 30 seconds. I would say the biggest sign was that I felt like I had/getting my period, all my symptoms were the same. For me it was, achy body, cramps in my lower abdomen along with pressure, and my biggest clue was pain in my thighs. 

Around 2 pm on Friday contractions were coming very often and my nerves were getting the best of me so off to the hospital we went. They started monitoring me right away to see how mommy and baby are doing. I was having contraction so induction may have not been needed so they put it on hold to see if my contraction progress. After a little monitoring nothing was professing and they saw my baby's heart rate was very fast and they wanted/needed to slow it down before doing any kind of induction. It was all my fault, I was dehydrated which caused her heart rate to increase. See how important it is to drink!! 

Sadly at 9pm they were ganna start inducing me, because nothing was progressing, I was still only 2 cm opened!

To be Continued!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Birth plan!

Having a birth plan ready before your big day is great idea, even if you don't hand it out to all your doctors and nurses. Having one for self or just skimming trough one is a greatly knowledgeable so you can get an idea of what you want your birth to be like.

If asked you now what you want your birth to be like, most of you would answer only two of the basic questions in a birth plan. You would say, natural/vaginal birth and non medicated or natural/vaginal birth and medicated. Some of you, for medical reasons, may have a planed c-section, so that what be your answer to what your birth will be like. But there is so much more you can try and plan, you can tell your doctor so many things you'd want so when the big day comes your prepared. 

Of course we can't plan everything because some of our choices and decisions, the doctor will override due to what's medical necessary. But stay strong and if your doctor says something that's not part of your plan, make sure you ask if it's really medical necessary and all other options where taking into consideration.

Some of your doctors will have discussed your birth plan with you at one of your appointment, some will even give you papers to fill out and some will just wait till the big day to find out what you want. But if this is your first birth you may have no idea what you want or what thing are even an option. I made a birth plan because I have told my doula and doctor things that I want and was nervous they wouldn't remember or at the time of delivery I wouldn't remember, so I was told to write it down. I wrote down a few things that I know I want and NEED during labor, but when I saw in my book (what to expect when your expecting) that there is so many things I can put into a birth plan, I decided if I'm making one I'll make it right.

Following the book, some magazines and different websites I was able to put together a birth plan in my own worlds. As soon as I was done I came across a great website that has a really good birth plan, you can even print out the pages and make checks next to the things you want. Or it's all typed up nicely and you can copy and paste it and edit it to what you want, just by taking out what you know you don't want. 

Link to print out the birth plan and just mark what you want

Or copy and past the following paragraphs and just delete the sentences you don't want.

Birth Plan: 
[  ] Full name:
[  ] Partner’s name:
[  ] Today’s date:
[  ] Due date: OR Induction date:
[  ] Doctor’s name:
[  ] Hospital name:

My delivery is planned as:
[  ] Vaginal
[  ] C-section
[  ] Water birth
[  ] VBAC

I’d like…:
[  ] Partner:
[  ] Parents:
[  ] Other children:
[  ] Doula:
[  ] Other:
…present before AND/OR during labor

During labor, I’d like:
[  ] Music played (I will provide)
[  ] The lights dimmed
[  ] The room as quiet as possible
[  ] As few interruptions as possible
[  ] As few vaginal exams as possible
[  ] Hospital staff limited to my own doctor and nurses (no students, residents or interns present)
[  ] To wear my own clothes
[  ] To wear my contact lens the entire time
[  ] My partner to film AND/OR take pictures
[  ] My partner to be present the entire time
[  ] To stay hydrated with clear liquids and ice chips
[  ] To eat and drink as approved by my doctor

I’d like to spend the first stage of labor:
[  ] Standing up
[  ] Lying down
[  ] Walking around
[  ] In the shower
[  ] In the bathtub

I'm not interested in: 
[  ] An enema
[  ] Shaving of my pubic area
[  ] A urinary catheter
[  ] An IV, unless I’m dehydrated (and a heparin or saline lock IS/IS NOT ok)

I’d like fetal monitoring to be:
[  ] Continuous
[  ] Intermittent
[  ] Internal
[  ] External
[  ] Performed only by Doppler
[  ] Performed only if the baby is in distress

I’d like labor augmentation:
[  ] Performed only if baby is in distress
[  ] First attempted by natural methods such as nipple stimulation
[  ] Performed by membrane stripping
[  ] Performed with prostaglandin gel
[  ] Performed with Pitocin
[  ] Performed by rupture of the membrane
[  ] Performed by stripping of the membrane
[  ] Never to include an artificial rupture of the membrane

For pain relief, I’d like to use:
[  ] Acupressure
[  ] Acupuncture
[  ] Breathing techniques
[  ] Cold therapy
[  ] Demerol
[  ] Distraction
[  ] Hot therapy
[  ] Hypnosis
[  ] Massage
[  ] Meditation
[  ] Reflexology
[  ] Standard epidural
[  ] TENS
[  ] Walking epidural
[  ] Nothing
[  ] Only what I request at the time
[  ] Whatever is suggested at the time

During delivery, I would like to:
[  ] Squat
[  ] Semi-reline
[  ] Lie on my side
[  ] Be on my hands and knees
[  ] Stand
[  ] Lean on my partner
[  ] Use people for leg support
[  ] Use foot pedals for support
[  ] Use a birth bar for support
[  ] Use a birthing stool
[  ] Be in a birthing tub
[  ] Be in the shower

I will bring a:
[  ] Birthing stool
[  ] Birthing chair
[  ] Squatting bar
[  ] Birthing tub 

As the baby is delivered, I would like to:
[  ] Push spontaneously
[  ] Push as directed
[  ] Push without time limits, as long as the baby and I are not at risk
[  ] Use a mirror to see the baby crown
[  ] Touch the head as it crowns
[  ] Let the epidural wear off while pushing
[  ] Have a full dose of epidural
[  ] Avoid forceps usage
[  ] Avoid vacuum extraction
[  ] Use whatever methods my doctor deems necessary
[  ] Help catch the baby
[  ] Let my partner catch the baby
[  ] Let my partner suction the baby 

I would like an episiotomy:
[  ] Used only after perineal massage, warm compresses and positioning
[  ] Rather than risk a tear
[  ] Not performed, even if it means risking a tear
[  ] Performed only as a last resort
[  ] Performed as my doctor deems necessary 
[  ] Performed with local anesthesia
[  ] Performed by pressure, without local anesthesia
[  ] Followed by local anesthesia for the repair

Immediately after delivery, I would like:
[  ] My partner to cut the umbilical cord
[  ] The umbilical cord to be cut only after it stops pulsating
[  ] To bank the cord blood
[  ] To donate the cord blood
[  ] To deliver the placenta spontaneously and without assistance
[  ] To see the placenta before it is discarded
[  ] Not to be given Pitocin/oxytocin

If a C-section is necessary, I would like:
[  ] A second opinion
[  ] To make sure all other options have been exhausted
[  ]To stay conscious
[  ] My partner to remain with my the entire time
[  ] The screen lowered so I can watch baby come out
[  ] My hands left free so I can touch the baby
[  ] The surgery explained as it happens
[  ] An epidural for anesthesia
[  ] My partner to hold the baby as soon as possible
[  ] To breastfeed in the recovery room

I would like to hold baby:
[  ] Immediately after delivery
[  ] After suctioning
[  ] After weighing
[  ] After being wiped clean and swaddled
[  ] Before eye drops/ointment are given

I would like to breastfeed:
[  ] As soon as possible after delivery
[  ] Before eye drops/ointment are given
[  ] Later
[  ] Never

I’d like my family members (NAMES):
[  ] To join me and baby immediately after delivery
[  ] To join me and baby in the room later
[  ] Only to see baby in the nursery
[  ] To have unlimited visiting after birth

I’d like baby’s medical exam and procedures:
[  ] Given in my presence
[  ] Given only after we’ve bonded
[  ] Given in my partner’s presence
[  ] To include a heel stick for screening tests beyond the PKU
[  ] To include a hearing screening test
[  ] To include a hepatitis B vaccine

Please don’t give baby:
[  ] Vitamin K
[ ] Antibiotic eye treatment
[  ] Sugar water
[  ] Formula
[  ] A pacifier

I’d like baby’s first bath given:
[  ] In my presence
[  ] In my partner’s presence
[  ] By me
[  ] By my partner

I’d like to feed baby:
[  ] Only with breastmilk
[  ] Only with formula
[  ] On demand
[  ] On schedule
[  ] With the help of a lactation specialist

I’d like baby to stay in my room:
[  ] All the time
[  ] During the day
[  ] Only when I’m awake
[  ] Only for feeding
[  ] Only when I request

I’d like my partner:
[  ] To have unlimited visiting
[  ] To sleep in my room

If we have a boy, circumcision should:
[  ] Be performed
[  ] Not be performed
[  ] Be performed later
[  ] Be performed with anesthesia
[  ] Be performed in the presence of me AND/OR my partner

As needed post-delivery, please give me:
[  ] Extra-strength acetaminophen
[  ] Percoset
[  ] Stool softener
[  ] Laxative

After birth, I’d like to stay in the hospital:
[  ] As long as possible
[  ] As briefly as possible

If baby is not well, I’d like:
[  ] My partner and I to accompany it to the NICU or another facility
[  ] To breastfeed or provide pumped breastmilk
[  ] To hold him or her whenever possible 

If you are having trouble opening the link or copying and pasting the list let me know and I'll be happy to email it to you.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Guess what?! guess what?!? ... Just kidding not yet! 41 weeks today and still no baby! I can't believe I'm a week over due when I was convinced I was having it early. Some days I really thought it was happening and it never did. Being over due is not fun at all, I thought my anxious was bad before but now it's ten times worse. The thought of the possibility of it happening gets stronger everyday. If it doesn't happen soon then you know what that means, yup; I'll have to be induced.

The thought of being induced actually scares me, it's also kind of a funny thing. I keep thinking how strange it is that you make an appointment to go have your baby. I guess it can be better that way, one less surprise to worry about, you'll know it's happening that day. (Or the following day depends how long the proses will take) 

I'm sure everyone heard of all these crazy methods and myths of how to get your labor started, but most of them don't work. If your body isn't ready anything you try wouldn't work. They say to eat spicy food, well... big fail, that didn't work for me. Pineapple is another thing people say to try. I haven't tried it yet, but I know people who did and it didn't do anything for them. I would try it but the thought of pineapple (also watermelon) grosses me out since it's the only thing I ate the first 4 moths of my pregnancy, so it brings me back to those inglorious days. 

Pretty much everyone will tell you to walk, and believe me I have been walking but this stubborn little cutie of mine doesn't seem to care, if it's not ready, it's not ready it won't budge. Squats, sex, bouncing on a ball, bumpy roads, and stairs is more things to try to help induce your own labor, but nothing seems to work for me. I have even cleaned my house from head to toe, but still didn't do anything 

There's a few things that I'm not so willing to try but just like the others things people say it works. Caster oil, some kind of teas and other herbal stuff, nipple stimulation and acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology. I am a little more comfortable with the idea of acupressure, but a little nervous to try. 

Of course non of these methods should be tried before 36/37 weeks, if it would work for you, you want to make sure your full term.  

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What to write in your birth plan!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Maternity photo shoots!!

I can't wait to share with you my maternity photo shoot I took yesterday. I know it's funny to have taken so late In the game, but better late then never. I wanted to take them a while ago, but like lots of other hubby's mine wasn't so into at first. I also needed to wait for my belly to be good size so can be noticeably pregnant in the picture, other wise wouldn't have been cute. So by the time that happened, (you probably all read the store that happened to my husband) my husband had a big bruise on his face, so pictures where out of the question. It finally cleared up, all you see is a scar that will probably never fully go away, but nothing photoshop can't fix.

Taking maternity picture was actually a lot more exciting then I thought it would be. Because I only took them now once I'm over due, it felt like a nice way to say good bye to my pregnancy. Of course you shouldn't wait till last minute to take your pictures because you never know when it will happen, and you may miss your window of opportunity. 

Taking the picture were exciting, I know some people don't like taking pictures because of how big they look, but it's the one time in your life where you can look big and when your sapose to. You actually should wait till your more forwards the end of your pregnancy because you want to see in the picture that nice big belly of yours. If you got when you still small it may not look like maternity pictures and just look like awkward couple pictures where he so happeneds to be holding your belly. Then you will really look more like you just got fat and not that your pregnant. 

If your husbands not comfterble taking them, because of the poses there is many poses you can find that your husband will be comfterble with, that doesn't require him to touch your belly. If he's uncomfterble doing it in front of the photographer, but doesn't mind having picture, maybe go to any random picture place like picture people or jc penny other than a professional you would have hired. Some men (women also) think it's a waste because there not sure what they will do with the pictures after. There's nothing wrong with having the picture just for your self to see, it's nice experience to take them, and you'll always have the memory. You can always show them to your child when they are older and show them how you looked younger and pregnant with them. It can always look great in the nursery, right next to a picture of the baby. 

Your outfit choice can make or break your pictures choose them wisely. Dark colors and more fitted always look best.

It's funny; as much as last minute I was to take my pictures, I still has to stick my belly out as much as possible for it to look cutely noticeable in the pictures. 

This is just a picture of a picture I took off the camera! Can't wait to see more of them! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
My birth story! 
What to write in your birth plan!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Due date!!!!

I can't believe it's my due date day! I thought this day would never come! Time has gone by so fast, but yet so slow. Way back when I just found out my due date was February 11th it seemed in ages. From counting down the months, then the weeks and then days, February 11th has fiannly came, but where is the baby? I thought this day would never come, just because it seemed so far away, but the past week I didn't think this day would be relevant. I thought my baby would be here already. But I guess I thought wrong, I'm still waiting for the big day. 

I guess starting tomorrow I'll be considered over due, which seems so depressing for me. I'm thought hitting my due date would be the most exciting thing ever, but it's kinda of a let down. It's my due date now what? It's just another day of waiting, it's just another day of wondering will it happen today? And most importantly, when will it happen? 

So it's my due date now what? Now I have to make sure this baby really gets a move on, so my doctor doesn't decied to take matters in to her own hand. 

"Let's go baby you can do it put a little power to it!" Don't be scared to come out into the world, I'm here to protect you! I'll make sure it nice and warm and cozy for you out here. I'll give you plenty of food that you'll actually be able to eat on your own and not through some funny cord. I'll have a warm and fuzzy blanket for you, and a cozy spot for you to sleep. I'll do anything to make sure your as comfterble out here, as much as you are in there. See it's doesn't seem so bad out here, baby come and find out for yourself! I'll be waiting! 

Due date selfies!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Emotions emotions!

I'm feeling the jitters, it's really happening so soon. I can't help but to feel so many emotions, I'm feeling scared, worried, unprepared, nervous, anxious, joyful and of course supper excited.

I'm feeling scared for the unknown, the unknown of labor and what the pain is actually like. Scared of what will happen after the baby's is born, how will I react and how will I cope/manage being a mom. 

I'm ganna be honest, I'm worried that things mite not go as planed, nothing is in our hands and I'm just hopping that everything goes smoothly. I'm worried I'll b such a mess durning labor that I'll act like a crazy person. I'm worried that I won't have a clue how to handle a new born, no matter how much I think I know, and how much practice I got with my nieces and nephews it's no way near the same as doing it to your own. 

I'm feeling unprepared because I have nothing for the baby. My husband and I aren't buying anything till the arrival of our baby, which leaves us a big todo/to get list right when it's born. I know what I want, and what I need. I have made list after list of everything possible, but nothing feels satisfying. I'm not sure if it's the not buying things that's making me feel unprepared or the fact that you can never really be prepared of what will come. 

I'm supper nervous, and just have one to many questions on my mind. Will I be a good mom? Will I have a clue what I'm doing? What will my life be like with a child? What will my relationship with my husband be like? Will I hear the baby cry at night and wake up for it? How fast will I recover after birth? Will I...? Will I...? Will I...? The list goes on and on.

Duh I'm anxious all I have been talking about is how anxious I am to get this baby out of me. I'm anxious to just see what it will look like, and who it will look like. I'm anxious because I can't wait to just snuggle with my baby and love everything about it. It's tiny hands and feet, and it's little eyes, nose and mouth will be the cutest thing ever! 

Of course there not all worries and nervous, I'm so happy and looking forward for the day to come. I can't wait for that moment of meeting our baby for the first time. Holding it, and never wanting to let go, just thinking of it make me tear up. I'm feeling so so much excitement, love and joy already, I can't wait to really experience it. 

Only time will tell!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


And the countdown contuies, I'm hanging in there! This waiting game is insane, the suspence is killing me. The fact that I have no idea when it will happen is driving me crazy. One mistake I made is, as soon as I turned 9 months I thought the day would come which made this waiting game seem all that much longer. Don't make the same mistake as I did, don't think it's happening so fast pretend like your ninth month is just like any other. When you past your due date, and the tenth month starts then you can start feeling like it can happen any day/any minute.

Beside for the anxiety, the sleepless nights has really taken a toll one me. I'm exhusted, I can't function anything that's why I didn't post yesterday and today's kinda boring. When I say sleepless night I don't mean, I went to bed late and got 5 hours of sleep. My nights consists of a maximum 4 hours of sleep and notconsistant. I'll sleep a half hour here and there, then twenty min, and if in lucky over an hour in a row. Iv been trying not to nap so I would fall asleep at night but that hasn't really been working, but today my body is crashing and all I wanna do is sleep. So back to sleep I go, and I'll keep all of you updated.  

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hospital tour!

The count down continues, one week and one day left till my due date. I can't imagin what the day will be like, as many times as you try picturing it in your head,  nothing can really prepare you for the big day. One of the things I have been trying to get around to do is to take a hospital tour to feel more comfterble in setting when the time comes. I finally got around to it on this lovely snowy day, and it made me feel a little better. Most hospitals will give you the option to take a tour befor your big day, if yours does I recommend you taking it. It shouldn't take more then a half hour and it makes the picture in your head a little more realistic.

When I got to the hospital, I went straight up to labor and delivery where the head nurse meets you. She explained what will happen when I come on the big day. Every hospital is different some will want you to preregister or in like in my case will want you to fill out some simple information when you arrive. 

She then took us in to the labor and delivery room. She showed us what all the creepy looking machine are and they turned out not to be so creepy after all. She showed us how the bed detaches for when it's time to push. She explained to us the prossess of what will happen right after the baby's born, the kind of test it will be given and what will happen in case of emegancy. We were told how many people can be in the room with me. For every hospital is different, in my case it's two people of my choice. I asked if there is a CD player in the room and if I can bring a birth ball along with me, my hospital doesn't have a CD player but they do allow you to bring one with you, and they let to bring a ball. She showed us where the operating room incase its will be needed, and then where you recover after. 

She then took us up the maternity floor, where we got to see the nursery and the rooms. I was alittle disappointed, my hospital has joint rooms. She said you have to get lucky to get a private room, it all depends on the day you give birth, and how busy they are. But I'm very happy with everything else, I guess u can't always get everything. 

We asked her some questions we had and she was more then happy to answer anything we needed. I was really happy I finally took the time to go, I do feel a little more prepared/ready for the big day. For all of you that this is your first pregnancy, I'd say to go and check out the hospital. It made me be able to visualize the day in more of a realistic way. I'm not ganna lie when I first got there and saw the room I got a little nervous, like its actually happening any day now. I guess it was better to freak out now then when I get there for real. Although I probable will still freak out. I am so ready for the big day, I can't wait to meet my baby, it is so time for it to come!! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!