Monday, December 30, 2013

Changes and more changes!

As I'm getting closer and closer towards the end, I'm feeling a whole bunch of different things. I'm feeling a lot of different physical and emotional changes, which is making these last couple of weeks quite exciting. You'll hear a lot of women who are mostly in the ninth say how they feel so uncomfortable, and the baby's has got to come out. There is only so much space that your body can make room for, so your baby is getting a little squashy in there torwds the end, which makes it more uncomfortable for you too. The baby Is big now so you feel it all over, u can feel a kick in your ribs and on your bladder all at once, how fun is that! 

My baby is truly enjoying the game of hitting mommy in the ribs, especially my right side. But I'm not enjoying this game as much, it's actually no fun at all. I've been trying all the tricks to make the baby switch positions, like picking my hands up and breath or going down on all four, but they help for a few minutes and then the baby move right back to my ribs. It's sometimes not even kicks I feel, it's more like my baby wants to stretch and just leaves a foot nicely lodged by my ribs. It's starting to get a little crowded in there, and still has more to grow! 

Did you know that being uncomfortable towards the end, is actually one of the mircals of pregnancy? Allot of women enjoy the bond with there baby so much while it's still In them, that it would be difficult for them to give it up. So by getting uncomfortable, in away is breaking the bond between the mother and the baby, and making the mother want it to come out already, so she can form a new bond. 

My emotional changes I've been going through, are more mixed feelings towards the whole giving brith topic. One minute I'm excited, the next Im scared, and then I'm excited again. But I cant pin point the reason why I'm scared, am I scared of the unknown of labor? Or going through the pain of labor? Or the after part, and am I scared of being a mother? Or maybe I'm even scared of all! But even when I'm feeling scared, I still feel so excited. So I'm my emotions are just a mess when it comes to this topic, I can't he but to feel confused. 

But I know it's normal and I am definitely not the only one going through these emotions, and that is what's always important to remember. You are never the only one going though your emotional craziness, no matter how imbalance you think they are. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

What to pack in your hospital bag!

The end is coming near, 47 more days till my due date! Like everything else about my pregnancy, I am a fanatic about my hospital bag as we'll. I have some of the stuff I need set aside for a few weeks now, as if it's happening any day. Some of things I'm packing could be completely useless in the time of need for me, but it worked for others so it's on my list. 

I have already packed in my hospital bag a few thing, and the rest I'll add in closer to my due date. For labor and delivery there's things you need and for postpartum. I'll share a list your husband may want, we can't forget about them.

For labor and delivery
I have socks, unless you are one of those who love hospital socks, then bring your own. It's for walking around in the halls before and after birth, and to keep your toes nice and warm. 
I also packed chapstick, apperntly your mouth and lips gets very dry, so add that in. 
I packed a light weight snood (well see how long it last on my head) and a cotton head band, to keep my hair out of my face if the snood doesn't work out, also extra pony holders In case they snap. 
I have heard to take with you a pen and paper, to jot down any questions, thought, or names of doctors or nurses you'll want to thank after. But with cell phones in handy, you can write it down in there. 
Pen and paper can also be used to count your contractions, or you can be use your phone for that too, and I told you there is an app for that. 
Lollipops, socking candy, and ices are aloud to be eaten during labor. You may want to eat them, to help your mouth from getting so dry.
If you want your birth setting to be a relaxed environment, and music will help you. Make sure you bring a CD player. If it's plug in then great, but if it runs on batteries, bring extra. (Some hospitals provide a CD player)
Your favorite lotion or body oil for all the massages you'll be asking for. The smell can actually sooth you as we'll, so choose wisely.
If your really into the whole relaxing mode, buy those fake candles that run on batteries, since you can not light real candles in a hospital. 
Do you have a birthing ball/gym balls, you have been using through out your pregnancy? People swear on how helpful the ball is during labor, so bring that along. (Your labor coach may provide one)
If you don't want to wear those beautiful hospital gown, bring your own nightgown. I'm saying night gown and not pjs, because you will want it to be a one piece and long enough for you to do squats in, without mooning everyone in the room. 
Bring flip flops/water shoes, you may not want to shower bear foot. That's goes for before and after birth. 
If you'll want to shower during labor, you can shower In hospital gown or bring a top you don't mind wearing in the shower.
And most importantly camera/video camera, cell phones and all chargers needed!! (If needed an extra memory card)

For postpartum (after birth and your hospital stay) 
I bought a yummy cozy robe for after birth, to keep warm and comfy. I also plan to use it as my blanket, hospital blankets aren't that cozy and Im sure I can use a good night sleep.
Pjs, you'll want your top to have easy access, if you plan to nurse.
They say to pack two nursing bras, I have one so far I'll go buy another. They say two because you sweat a lot after birth, and your milk can leak.
Also a few pairs of underwear, doesn't/shouldn't be new ones, you'll probably ruin them.
Sweater, leggings, change of cloth, socks anything you'll want to wear and feel unfotable In. 
All toiletries! Toothbrush, tooth past, mouthwash, face wipes, face wash, body wipes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hair brush, if you have lens don't forget lens solution. Buying all your toiletries in travel size is a great idea. (You'll want to use some of them during labor) 
Pads and nursing pads if want to use ones you like but the hospital will provide them for you.
Entertainment, if starring at your baby isn't enough entertainment.
Food or snacks you want that the hospital doesn't have.
Some people take a towel/robe, because hospital towels can be small, and it can be really cold when coming out of a shower.
If you have a pillow you can sleep without, bring it.
Pack your make up, I know I'll want to look good while feeling bad.
A going home outfit for you and the baby. The baby will need undershirt, stretchy, a blanket, and of course a cute hat. You'll want a bundle me, if your giving birth in the winter.
You will need a car seat, most hospital will not let you leave without an approved car seat. 

For your husband 
If he's they type that's always cold pack a sweater, the room temperature will be according to the way you like and during labor I'm sure you'll be hot. 
You mite not be able to eat during labor, but he sure can, pack snacks or lots of changes for vending machines (your hospital may have a bichur cholem room, where he can take anything he wants)
If your baby is taking its sweat time to come and it's over night, your husband mite want to change into something more comfortable, so be a good wife and pack him a change of cloth.
Some toiletries, so he can freshen up.
Entertainment, labor can be long and boring for him.

I hope I got everything down, that is needed for labor and delivery. My brain hurts from brainstorming, of all the stuff you mite need/want. If you forgot something that is needed for after birth, your husband or someone coming to visit, can always go and get it for you. You don't need all your stuff in one big suitcases you can pack two small ones, one for labor and delivery and one for  postpartum. Your husband can always get your second suit case out of the car whenever needed.
I'll probably look like I'll be moving into the hospital, I'll be coming in with a massive suitcase, a birthing ball, and maybe even a pillow!! 

I hope this is helpful for you! It was quite time consuming to put it together for you. But I did promise I'll have a good one for today! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Good afternoon! Sorry I'm having a little bit of a busy day today, but I had to take the time and write something for today's post. So I did something simple but entertaining for you guys, I made a profile on myself for today. 

Name- Chumy Herman 
Birthday- December 12 1992
Age- 21
Height- 5'3
Weight- Now at 33 weeks, 135
Due date- February 11 i'yh
Baby gender- It's a surprise!!!
Craving- Watermelon flavored Laffy taffy
Go to food- Green apples
Best sleeping position- My tummy or left side 
Breakfast- strawberry and a coffee 
Lunch- Lebon and a salad 
Dinner- unknown 
Snack- Almonds
Hobbies- My blog
Me time- sitting and writing my blog.
Pain today- head ace!
Complaints- it's to cold!
Excited about- my new cozy earmuffs.
Worries- won't get everything done.
Loving- My baby
Looking forward to- Dinner time.
Need to do- too many things.
Feeling- Tired, but cozy 
Can't handle- Fried food 
Want- Maybe more coffee, and a taffy!!
Mood- Anxious
Baby's size- About 16 inch
Baby's weight- About 4.5 pounds
Baby's mood- Calm, come to think of it a little bit to calm.
Baby like- It's a new cousin, baby leora! 
Baby doesn't like- Spicy food
Baby loves- MOMMY AND DADDY!!
I'll promise I'll have a better one for you tomorrow! 
How awesome are my earmuffs!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tips to eating right!

Some times trying to eat right during pregnancy, can be a real struggle, I'm hear to help, with some helpful tips. When I go grocery shopping, I buy everything I want to eat at that moment, and sometimes forget the things I actually went to the store for. I spy chips... add to cart, oh that chocolate looks good, I haven't tried it yet.... add to cart. Sounds familiar? People always say "Don't go to the grocery store when your hungry, because you'll just buy junk." It's true, when you go to the store hungry rather then full you come out with extra food and unwanted junk. Then you have it in your house, and it just stares at you every time you open the fridge or pantry, and of course you eat it. 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! (Although to be honest, supper is for me) By eating a good breakfast you actually will feel fuller through out the day, which will help you cut down in all those extra snacks. By eating a good breakfast is not only for your benefit, it's for your baby's as we'll. If your one of those lucky ones and sleeps 6-8 hours a night, without waking up in middle of the night hungry, and getting a snack. That's 6-8 hours that your baby didn't eat either, and it needs those extra calories in the morning that it missed in that time. 

As if we're not planing enough thing right now, we now should try and plan our meals too. Making a weekly menu of you meals is a good way to plan, it's also a great shopping list. When your shopping try getting only the things on your list. When leaving the house take a healthy snack and water, so if your out and get hungry you don't have to stop and grab food or snacks. 

Did you know, that dehydration is misinterpreted as hunger? So drink, drink, drink!! Those 8 ounces everyone has been telling you to drink, is more important then you think. You can be eating everything right, but if your not drinking, you'll still be getting hungry. 

Does this ring a bell, "Oh, your eating for two you can eat whatever you want! Your so lucky! Here have a another cookie!" NO! NO! AND NO! 
A: You are not eating for two! Your baby is tiny, it does not need the extra amount of food as one whole person! Depending who you are, your doctor would say only 200-300 extra calories a day. At one of my appointment I actually joked and said I'm eating for two, and my doctor was so annoyed. She was like " No you are not! It's the biggest misconception about pregnancy! Do not think that, you can not gain that much weight!" I don't advise you saying it to your doctor they may get just annoyed.
B: People love to give pregnant women food, especially fattening food that they wish they can eat. They think it's ok for us to eat all day, and to gain lots of extra weight, and of course they think we're eating for two. So next time someone offers you food, try not to slap them, just say politely "No thanx I'm full." 

Hope these few tips can help you, I know I have to work on them as well. I don't plan my meals, I don't go grocery shopping when I'm full, I don't take snack. I end up buying snacks and junk, and when I'm out and get hungry, I stop at a dunkin or Starbucks. Yummy, but a bad habit!! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Moms, pat yourself on the back!!!!

To all you moms out there, give yourself a huge pat on your back, you all deserve it! Over this weekend I got a little preview of what after birth would be like. The amount of time, energy and people it takes to take care of one tiny little thing. You moms are something's special, being in physical pain, emotionally drain and extremely tired, no matter how much you slept, you take care of your babies with such love and care. 

When your babies cry for no reason, they are just crying because their a baby, and you feel so hopeless. All you wanna do is cry with them, because you care so much. No matter what physical pain the birth gave you, has no effect on your love for your baby what so ever. I find it amazing how moms can put all that past them to physical care for there baby. I wonder if it even crosses your mind, how all the pain and tiredness is truly because of giving birth to your baby. But yet they are never the ones blamed for any of it.

I am now excited to be mom, to know and understand the true meaning of love with out benefits. But I am now also scared and nervous, how will I cope with the pain, the tiredness, and everything else after birth has to offer. Will I be able to nurse/physical provided food for my child? Will I wake up from it crying right away? What's if I don't hear it and it's crying for a few minutes already? Will I need the extra help from family, and maybe even a nurse to help?

So many questions and concerns, so many worried and fears. But it all comes with an amazing advantage, I i'yh get a beautiful baby out of it!!!! And the word mom, mother or mommy has a whole new meaning!! 

I love you mom! Thanx for providing and caring for me! 

Imagin you child saying this to you!! All you moms are amazing!!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Labor and delivery terms! Part 3 of Lamaze class

Breathing- good, and not the only thing taught in Lamaze class.
Lamaze class- great with the right teacher, also known as a birth class!

My Lamaze teaches mechanism was, for us to be knowledgeable with the terms used during delivery. So we can make an informed decision (if we have a choice) of what is medically necessary and what can be held off. She explained to us how the medically field and medication, is there incase our body is unable to do something it should naturally. 

We were thought all the terms we would need to know during labor and delivery. We learnt different medication and their function, why we would need them and why wouldn't we. 

Everyone always so nervous how will they know when to go to the hospital? What's if I don't make it there on time? How will I know when to push? How will I know how to push? She explained how our inner wisdom guides us through birth, just like we know how to breath well know how to push. 

She helped us understand 3 different  stages of labor, there is early labor, active labor and transition. She told us what's happening during that stage, what it may feel like, and what we can do during that time period. 

Do you know how to count your contractions? You start and end the clock every time your contractions start and end, write it down and do math. Calculate how long the contraction lasted, and how many minutes apart it was, from the start of the previous contraction. Math is getting you nervous? Don't worry, there's an app for that! Download a contraction app and push start and finish by every contraction and it will take care of the rest. The app may use the terms duration and interval, duration is how long the contraction was for. Interval is how many minutes apart it was.

The magic number when counting is 5,1,1 that's when it's time to head to the hospital, (if you haven't already gone) When your contraction are 5 minutes apart from each other and they last for a minute long, and were consistent in the past hour. 
 (Someone's actual contractions from a contraction app) 

I'm not ganna give you a crash course on Lamaze class, and all the terms and definitions, I'll be here all day. But I'll go through the terms and its your homework (if you want) to know the answered to my questions!
What is early labor, active labor and transitioning?
What is Mucous plug and the bloody show? What do you do when it happens? 
If your water breaks what do you do? What's if it's greenish brownish coloring? 
What does the world meconium mean? 
When is IV needed? 
What is a fetal monitor? Why do you need it?
What is oxytocin? 
What is potassium? Why would I need it? Is it necessary? 
What is an Epidural? How is it preformed? Why would I want it? Why would I need it? 
What's Amniohook? Why is it used? Does it hurt? 
Episiotomy, what is it? Is it routine Why would I need it? 
What are forceps? Why would I need it?
What is a vacuum extraction? Why would I need that? 
What does dilated, effacement and station mean? What numbers are good?  
What's spontaneous or direct pushing mean? 
What is considered a natural birth? 
Cesarean/c-section delivery? What is it? Why would you need one? 

Sorry are you very overwhelmed? Do you know all or most of the terms used? If not, open a book and start reading or.....take a Lamaze class!!!!! 

This picture is showing the station of the baby! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My experience! Part 2 of Lamaze class!

I started talking about Lamaze class in a previous post, (Title- breath! hoo...hee...hoo...hee) and how most people think it's all about breathing. I mentioned how, yes, we did discuss breathing, but only for a short amount of time. The previous post covers mostly what we discussed about breathing, we then also practiced a little in class.

I would describe Lamaze class as a birth class, we went through labor and delivery in detail. (Which I will get into more in detail in another post) Since I read the books and I read a lot more then I should on this topic, I thought I would know everything in class and it would just be a way for me to verbally hear it. But hearing it verbally made it so much more real for me, and made me visualize it in a way the books haven't been able to do. But there was also so much informative information that I learnt, that I would have not been able to get out of a book. 

My Lamaze teacher, beside for teaching Lamaze class, is also a doula. Besides for experiencing her own births and just teaching us text book style, she experienced many many other births and was really able to give us versatile information on how the experience of birth will be. Yes you can go online and read peoples crazy brith story and you can go and ask friends and family, but  there answer will probably either sound like a traumatizing experience and how labor was hours and pushing was crazy. Some will even make it sound like a blood bath, and make it seem gory and quite nauseating. Or some weird story how there epidural didn't work and they totally felt pressure. (which actually is completely normal) You'll have some say how they fought with the nurses, some will even yell. And maybe if your lucky someone will give you a positive answer and say how amazing it was.

We all know birth is not something that's easy breezy and how yes it is painful, but why does every one seem to tell us over, and over, and over how crazy giving birth is? Is there noting else to birth beside for how painful and tiring it is? 

One of things I got out of the Lamaze class, is that brith is not only a painful and dreadful experience. Giving birth/labor is giving brith to a new life in the world, you/I am creating a miracle right then and there in front of you. Something/someone that was 'living' inside of you, is about to enter the world and miraculously able to live out here. How is that not beautiful/amazing? Yes 100% it is no easy process, but we know that, everyone tells us that, where are all those story's about how beautiful it was?

Because my Lamaze teach is a doula, (and because of her positive personality) she was able to give over that side of their story. Maybe it is because she wasn't going through the pain, that she is able to give great insight and really make us feel other emotions toward birth, other then scares and pain. But how come when you ask the fathers the experience, it's sound just as bad and sometimes even worst then the one the mother told. 

I know I haven't gone through birth yet, and I seem all positive about it, (so not like me right? Usually I'm complaint to you guys) and I'm probably in for a major reality check when I am on labor. But why not go into labor with a positive feeling towards it, that baby gotta come out some how right! Being positive and feeling excited other then scared to go through the pain, isn't going to make the pain less painful. But when did being positive ever cause harm, it can only help and will make you feel the pain in a different way. 

For me Lamaze class was amazing, could be a personality thing, but I recommend it. Everyone take something else out of a class and with the right teacher there is no harm in taking one. 

I haven't even got to what we actually learnt in class, but that will have to be in a different post. 
The Lamaze class I took, brushy Mayer is amazing! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Lamaze class.
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good morning?!

Wow! I just looked at the clock, I can't believe it's 1:00 and I'm only waking up now. I haven't been sleeping good lately, I can't seem to find a comfortable position. Usually I sleep best on my stomach, my left side or someplace in between. But last night, every position I tried was just uncomfortable, and some were even painful. 

Like many of you, I am also feeling a bit under the weather as well. Not being able to sleep, feeling the winter blue already, and don't forget being pregnant. I guess all of it together is making me exhausted, and that's how I was able to sleep till one today. 

I honestly feel as if I can sleep for a few more hours, on a day like today I'm sure many of you would like to as well. But if I go back to sleep now, I know it will definitely kill my chances of having a good night sleep tonight. 

So it's time for me to get out of bed, and start my day. First thing I'll do is make myself a good brunch, because I am actually really really hungry. Then I'll try and get some house hold cleaning stuff done, I feel like all I do us clean my house. Then put up dinner and vawalah the days over. 

I hope your day is more productive then mine is. Sorry for such a short post, but I have to get out of bed now and start my day. But you know there will always be a post tomorrow! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Lamaze class.
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Breath! Hoo... hee... hoo... hee!!

Many of you don't plan on taking a Lamaze class, either because you feel reading the book is enough, or you think Lamaze class is just about teaching you how to breath, that's neither right or wrong. I'm not here to tell you that you must take a class, you are all entitled to your own opinion, but for me taking a class was the best choice. Yes Lamaze class did teach me breathing techniques, but I spent 12 hours in Lamaze class, and spent maybe an hour focusing on breathing. 

I am thinking the same thing you are, when I am in labor and having contractions, will I really be breathing in through my noise, out through my mouth all calmly? Or will I sound more like something dying and gasping for air, till the contraction is over? Whether you'll be hoo-ing, ha-ing, or hee-ing the main focus is breathing.

The reasoning behind breathing, is actually important. During a contraction you uterus is getting squeezed, which means your baby is getting squeezed which can make the baby mad and uncomfortable. Think about what you would do, if you were getting squeezed? You would try breathing, but sometimes you feel like you can't, right? Because they are squeezing you too tight, and all you want is to be released. The baby wants the same thing, but the baby breaths when you breath. So every breath that you take, while they are getting squished In there, makes it more comfortable and safer for the baby. So while our going through the pain of contractions, think of trying to keep your baby safe and as comfortable for just a little while longer. 

Breathing is also for your benefit, it's a coping technique. There are many thing you will try during labor to ease the pain. You'll try creating all sort of distraction, breathing is a one of those distractions. Focusing on breathing, can take your mind off of how strong and painful your contractions really are. 

When we think of pain, or when we are going through pain, we tend to tense up, which make pain a lot worst. By relaxing, in other worlds breathing, we are trying to lessen the tension, so it's less painful.

Yes I'm still thinking "Who are you kidding I'm going through labor!!! Who actually breaths like that?" I am still going to try it. I even started practicing, and I have been getting better. Hey this whole breathing during labor thing, had to come from some where, it can't be all that made up! right? So practice breathing you never know if it will benefit you! 

Today's post I focused on breathing, I will share many more topics we disgusted during Lamaze class in future posts. 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Lamaze class.
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My birthday plans!

Happy birthday to me!! Today I turned 21, I am finally legal. I can now go buy myself a bottle of wine, or order a cocktail at a bar/restaurant. Don't make fun, but I actually have been planing my 21st birthday since I'm 18. I imagine it would be something like this... I always wanted to spend it in a casino in Vegas or Atlantic city, so they can card me as many times as they like, and I can show them proof that I'm 21. Order as many drinks as I can, and not sit there sipping on my husbands, while making sure no one is looking. But now, none of this can happen.

My big Vegas birthday party can't happen for a few reasons. One, stating the obvious, I'm pregnant! Two, being pregnant and in my third trimester, doesn't allow my to fly to Vegas. Three, no alcohol drinks for this mama, so there goes my first legal shot. Atlantic city or Pennsylvania could have worked, but still no drinks. Not that I even like or drink alcohol, (I'm more of a wine person) but it is just fun to know I finally legally can.

My twin sister and I planed this day to spend in the city, just chilling and quality time together, and end the night with a nice dinner. But that's not happening either, and I am very very annoyed. My Lamaze teacher decided to change the last class for today, and it is not something I can miss. So now, not only do I not get to spend it the way I imagine since I'm 18, but I also won't be able to even spend the whole day in the city with my twin. I now get to spend it with strangers in Lamaze class.

The teacher felt bad, but the date worked for everyone else. So I told my class that were making a party and I am expecting gift from everyone one of them, since it ruined my plans. Do you think any of them will take me seriously and actually get me something? I'm hoping they did, that would make me happy. It would actually be very funny if they did, because I said it in a joking tune of voice, but they don't know me that well and could have taken me seriously, that would be awesome! 

I hope your plans for today, are working out better then mine are. I'm hopping my day will turn around, and I'll still get to spend the time I can before the class with my twin. 
Kind of what I feel like doing, I wanna yell!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My pregancy profile!

I pulled out my phone and stared at the blank page in front of me, waiting for me to write something for today's post. But I had no idea what to write about today, I have so many topics, but I just wasn't in the mood of them. I'm in a very blah mood today, looks like it will be a lazy day. I had a good night sleep, but I'm still exhausted, I guess third trimester does that to you. As I pondered about what to write, I came a cross an idea. What do I like to write most about, pregnancy and my own personally stories. So why not do that for today post? I came up with the idea of a profile, so here's my profile!

Name- Chumy Herman
Birthday- December 12 1992
Age- 20 (until tomorrow, then I'll be 21)
Height- 5'3
Weight- Now at 31 weeks, 133
Due date- February 11 i'yh
Baby gender- It's a surprise!!!
Craving- Not so much a craving but I want a good Starbucks, something with Carmel!!
Go to food- Green apples
Best sleeping position- My tummy or left side
Favorite breakfast- Yogurt with cereal and fresh fruit or chocolate milk!
Favorite lunch- It's usually more like brunch
Favorite supper- Anything I have in house
Favorite snack- Pop chips original flavor
Favorite time of day- When I finally fall asleep
Hobbies- My blog
Me time- A long bath with candles and bubbles
Pain today- My back of course!
Complaints- Too many!
Excited about- My birthday!!
Disappointments- Spending my birthday tomorrow at Lamaze class!
Worries- Slipping on the ice
Loving- My baby
Looking forward to- The weekend
Favorite song- Now it is Celine Dion- somebody loves somebody. I play it for my baby, even though It has nothing to do baby's.
Need to do- Fold the laundry
Feeling- Tired
Must have- My body pillow wherever I sleep
Can't handle- Scrambled eggs
Want- February already
Mood- Blah
Baby's size- About 16 inch
Baby's weight- About 3 pounds
Baby's mood- Calm
Baby like- Apples
Baby doesn't like- Fried food
Baby loves- MOMMY AND DADDY!!

I'm sure there are many other things I could have written, but these where the ones I could think of. I'll do a profile once in while, I found it fun doing, and quite insigntful. Make one of your own, and you can send me it, I would love to read them. I can even share them, so others can see how different everyone is.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women!
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries! 
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Being positive about winter!

Today I'm ganna be positive! Did you know that it's is easier to be pregnant in the winter then in the summer? We have something to be grateful for. (other then the obvious) Pregnancy makes us naturally hotter, which is amazing for winter. Because are body temperature is rising, it will keep us warmer in this chilly, snowy weather. We finally have something to thank our hormones for, it's finally for our benefit. Imagine it was 90° outside, and you're sitting there getting heat flashes. At night, you're hot and you already sleep in the bare minimum, but imagine it in those hot summer nights and there is sometimes nothing you could do about the heat.
When I think of snow and winter all I  want to do is cozy up by my fireplace, roast some marshmallows, and drink hot cocoa. The winter actually makes us want to be cozy and snuggled, we just cant wait to get into bed and cozy under our blankets. Talk to a pregnant women in the summer, I don't think snuggling under a blanket and getting all cozy is on her wish list of the day. It may be, to be in bed and sleep, but not so much the snuggling part. 
The snuggling up in bed actually helps us sleep better and longer, and who can't use that. The thought of the winter snow allows us to stay in the state of mind and be more comfortable when we sleep.
In the summer, people are out much more often, than they are in the winter. In the winter people tend to stay in doors and they get more proactive things done around the house, which is perfect for us while we are nesting. We can organize our houses, to prepare us for the extra room that will be needed once the baby arrives. But don't hibernate, or you will go a little insane from staying indoors all day.
Anyone feeling a little self-conscious about their bellies? Winter allows us to cover up our baby bump by layering, we can wear sweatshirts or even just a coat, when were headed out. Winter clothes in general are not as snug as summer cloth, and when you're pregnant remember your hot, so you're probably only wearing T-shirts, or nothing that will make you wear too many layers.
I'm loving the coziness of this weather, stay warm, stay safe and stay cozy! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pregnancy brain!?

Good morning! Before you start your day today, look down and check your feet. Are you wearing the same shoes/boots? Ok good! As I was getting dressed one morning, I was deciding which shoes matched best with my outfit, and was trying on two at the same time. Then I got side tracked, by who noes what. As I was walking to my car, my left foot felt different then my right. So I looked to check, and that's when I noticed I was still wearing two different shoes. Was a good thing it happened before I left, or that would have been embarrassing.

Does the term pregnancy brain ring a bell? Pregnancy brain is a real thing, it's actual name is Momnesia.  Momnesia, does not effect your brain, even though you don't feel as sharp as you use to and you have some memory loss. There is a perfectly logic explanation, to why were not as sharp as we use to be. It is because of, the lack of sleep or the big change in our sleep routines. Even when were not pregnant and are not sleeping well, were not as sharp, so even more so, how should we be when we are pregnant. Were exhausted and can't remember the simplest things!
We also have many new priorities, baby thoughts and worries that are crowding our brain. Which make us forget everything else, because our brain is cluttered with baby thoughts. Our hormones are of course also to blame, it actually affects our memory.

I woke up one morning and opened my fridge for some breakfast, but food wasn't the only thing I saw. I found Windex on the shelf, next to all the other drinks, as if it belonged there. I still have no idea how if even got in there, I have no recollection of doing so. 

The other day as I was cleaning my house, I decided I needed a drink. On my way to the fridge I picked my husbands shoes off the floor, to put them in the closet. But instead I went straight to the fridge and I put the shoes in. I noticed right away what I did, so I took them out and went back to the closet. But I couldn't remember why, or how, or for what, I was doing in the fridge in the first place. It took me a good few minutes, to remember I needed a drink.  Don't even get me started on how many times I have lost my phone and found it in the most bazaar places, including the fridge. 

Am I the only crazy one, or has anyone else gone into the shower with out getting fully undressed? It was early in the morning, and I'm not sure how, but I went into the shower with my shirt on. I turning on the water to a shocking reality, how absentminded could I have been to have not taken it off? 

To help with pregnancy brain try sleeping more, I no it's so hard to even get the little sleep we have. But maybe a nap here and there, if you can, can help with your memory. Also, as soon as you think of something that may be important or that you need to do, try jotting it down as soon as possible. Grab a pen and paper or write it in your phone. But write it someplace where it will be easy to find, and a place where you will remember where you put it.
Seems I'm not the only one leaving stuff in my fridge. 

I have two more Lamaze classes, I will do one post on all three classes. Looking forward! 

Here's what to look for in up coming posts! 
What not to say to pregnant women! 
How is your health?
What to pack in your hospital bag!
Baby registries!  
Babies heart beat!
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

COFFEE... Yes please!!

Good afternoon, or good morning! Some of you may be just getting up ... no judgment, I am actually jealous you can sleep this long. So who had there coffee yet today? I'm sure you all heard, how pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee/caffeine, its true and false. I'll go through some do's and don'ts when it comes to caffeine. Those who are just waking up, don't worry you can still go make your coffee, (switching to decaf wont hurt) then go sit and relax and continue reading.
One reason why you should stay away from to much coffee, is because it increases the amount of times you'll be needing to go to the bathroom. What pregnant women needs/wants that, don't we go enough times? But the more we go, the less body fluids we have, which can lead to dehydration, so stay hydrated. It also causes are key nutrients to leave our system before they can get absorbed.
Of course there is a limit to how much you can drink. Don't go and have 5 cups of coffee a day, no matter how tired you are. Most studies show that 200mg a day, had no harmful effect on pregnant women, or their babies. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate. The more you have the higher they can get, and having high blood pressure and heart rate, has its own set of issues.
Remember what ever you eat and drink your baby also does. You maybe able to handle the amount of caffeine you have, but your baby can not. Your baby's metabolism is still maturing and cant fully digest all that caffeine. So limiting your caffeine intake, is a good idea.
Drinking caffeine, is an awesome way to feel your baby move. If you wanna get it hyper and start kicking up a storm in you, then enjoy! But if your trying to count your kicks then it wouldn't be the right time. Caffeine will also change you and your babies sleeping patterns, so no caffeine before bed, or you'll both be twisting and turning.
We all know that coffee isn't the only thing that has caffeine in it. Soda, tea, chocolate and even some medication have caffeine as well. So be smart about your 200mg per day. I know your pregnant and just want that whole tub of coffee ice cream, with chocolate syrup and chocolate chips on top, even after you had your large coffee early that day. Beside for the amount of collieries you should be counting in that, remember to count the caffeine.
Your with draw from the caffeine maybe the hardiest part. No, you cant drink another one, to help your headache go away. And you shouldn't be taking any medication unless its necessary,
and it should only be Tylenol. So no medication for you, to get rid of that headache. 
Enjoy your coffee, but there's no harm in changing your coffee routine to decaf. It taste the same, you just won't be as hyper, awake and as active as you'd like to be, when drinking it! 
This picture is from the book 'Mayo clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy' 

I will be attending a Lamaze class tonight, you will get to hear all about it!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is the grass greener on the otherside?

Pregnant women for some reason are always complaining about one thing or another, it may not be in public, or even to anyone, you may keep it to yourslef, but we all definitely have complaints. But can you blame us? We always want what we can't have. We contestant think the grass will be greener on the other side, but we have no idea what the other side feels like. So we have no right to judge, other people's complaints, even if it's something we wish for.
If we sleep all day, it's because or hormones make us so tired. We complain that, all we do is sleep. But when we can't sleep, we complain because we are uncomfortable, in pain, we have to get up to many times to pee or we have insomnia. And all we want is to sleep.
If you can eat everything you use to, and nothing makes you nauseous. You can be gaining more weight, so your jealous how people are not always eating like you are, and they not gaining that much weight. But those who can't eat, and everything makes you nauseous, even by looking at it or smelling it, wish they can. And you just want to not be hungry and nauseous.
Those who have a nice baby bump, may feel/look fat and wish they carried small. But those who carry small, wish they had something to show for, and just want there baby off there spin, because it's painful.
Some of us can maintain jobs because they feel fine, and they can't wait for maternity leave. While others who had to leave there jobs, can wait to get back to work.
You clean your house because you have time and energy, but you wish your cleaning lady can just come more often. Then there are some who see there cleaning ladies cleaning, and wish they can move, and they can't wait to get back to cleaning, especially if you want it cleaned your way.
So lady's next time you hear someone complain, don't think 'Oh she has no idea what that would be like' control your hormones, don't get mad at her for complaining about what you wish for. We all have different struggles, we all want something we can't have, and we all complain. So just try and think what it would be like in their shoes. Maybe that well help us not wish for things we can't have and most of all help us not complain. (I said maybe!!... I'm sure we will still complain)

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My bump ... Oh wait what bump!

I told you guys I'll dedicate a post, about my funny stories about my baby bump, so here it is. So you been getting the idea by now, that I'm carrying pretty small. I think I finally became noticeable pregnant to those who don't no me. People who knew me knew what I usually looked like, so they were able to tell earlier on. Most of my stories happen in the mall, and by my mall, the Nordstrom has parking for expecting moms. So before I even get into the mall, I already have a story. Almost every time I park in those reserved spots I get such looks, like who do I think I am. Once, the car next to me pulled in and saw me. She had the nerve, and started giving me hand signals, on how these are reserved parking and I have to move. I simply smiled and pointed to my belly, but I was in the car and she couldn't see my bump anyways. She got out of her car annoyed and walked away, I didn't want to go after her, she wouldn't believe me anyways.

When I shop, I shop in the same stores and go to the same workers for help, so I'm well acquainted with workers, at my stores. Breaking the news to them, how I no long can wear half the stuff in there store, because I was 5 months pregnant, was a total shock for them. As I was talking to the manger (BFF by the way) an older women (must have been 50) interrupted "Excuse me, your 5 months pregnant?" She did not believe me, the people who worked in the store didn't really know how to respond, but this women wasn't giving up. I finally responded "I have prof, I'll show you my sonograms!" The women was satisfied, and said "Ya ok, show me." As I started fishing through my phone, to find the picture, the manger stopped me "Honey you do not need to show her prof, if she doesn't wanna believe you, then that's her problem." The elder women actually felt a little dumb, and started telling us some story, how her daughter in law also carries small, but were like ya, ya, ya, go fly a kite lady!

In another store, a sales represented was helping me find clothing. With no waist line, and that had a little extra length and space. I was in the dressing room, and she kept bring me shirts and stuff to try on. When I came out a different worked looked at me confused and said "Your the pregnant women she's was helping? When she said she was helping a almost 6 month pregnant women, I was expecting someone with a big belly. I couldn't imagine how she would find anything in our store! But now I get it, but how are you 6 months?"

I was talking to the Chanel makeup artist in Nordstrom (She's a sweet heart, I don't even wear Chanel makeup but she always sees me there so we became buddy's.) We were talking about pregnancy, and I was saying how I'm waiting to pop. A women from behind me taps me and says "Don't worry you will VERY soon, just wait!" Apparently she was listening to are whole conversation, and wanted in. She joined us, but when she left, we couldn't stop laughing how random she was!

I was telling someone from my office (an older man) how I haven't been here so much because I'm pregnant, and I wasn't feeling well. He asked me how far I was, I was about 6 months. He replies "Your 6 months pregnant? Your sure? You do know how that happens right?"  knowing his personality I know he was kidding, (I hope) but I thought it was so funny!

I was standing around in a hallway, waiting for my husband to come out of an office, that had a bathroom that was right next door. I didn't even notice I was holding my belly, but a woman passing by me says "You know there's another restroom right over there, that no one is in" I was confused, I'm like, ok thanx? I then realized that, she must have thought I was holding my stomach, because I needed to go so badly. I laughed and yelled down the hall, "Oh I don't need the restroom, thanx!" She must of thought I was nuts!
I have so many more stories, that I can share with you, but this post will be way to long. If you have any funny stories of your own, I would love to hear them.

My growing baby bump! I am now 30 weeks! (I no I am missing 21, I have a picture from that week, but I'm not dressed well)

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Itch itchy itchier!!

Oh my I need sleep! I thought I would be able to get some sleep last night, and recover from an amazing weekend. I had a busy shabbas, with a bunch of friends, for a good friends shalom zachar. Then on Sunday I had my family's chanukah party, and at night I spent it catching up on earns I have been procrastinating on. I thought I would get an amazing night sleep with such a weekend, but my body deiced otherwise. I was up for hours feeling SO itchy, I was going insane! I brought cream to my bed, and kept on just reapplying, to get temporary relief, I may have used almost half the bottle.
Itchy skin is very common in pregnancy, especially by your growing belly. It is because your skin is stretching and becomes moisture deprived. One of the worst, but hardiest thing to do for itchy skin, is to scratch it. scratching will cause it to get more irritated and will only make it itchier, so STOP SCRATCHING! 
You may also be itchy from dry skin, and yes you can blame dry skin on your pregnancy, not only on winters. Our hormone changes, causes us to get dry and leaves us feeling itchy. If your like me, who just want relief at that moment, I'm afraid were out of luck. But there is things we can do to try and prevent it.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but your long hot baths or showers can be causing you to be dry and itchy. So avoid hot and long baths, if you can.
Use unscented soap, some scents can be the cause of your irritation. And make sure you take off all the soap, and towel off lightly. 
Take an oatmeal bath, no don't just go pour a cup or oatmeal in your bath tub, there our special products for oatmeal's baths.
Drink plenty of fluids to keep you and your skin hydrated.
Avoid the humidity, and the heat of the day. Not that it is hot out now, but for future reference.
Moisturize after you showered or bathed.
Applying a cold and wet compresses can help as well.
If you are itchy all over, and its not because you are dry or because of your growing belly, and you developed a rash, its time to mention it to your doctor. Even if you did not get a rash, but you are itchy all over your body, give them a call. Being itchy all over, WITH OUT a rash CAN be, Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP), a liver problem, that pregnant women can devolve. (I caps the word 'can' because I don't want you to go freak out that you have a liver problem, but talk to your doctor for more information!) Itchiness WITH a rash CAN be Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) which is also common in pregnancy. 
I'm not going into details about, what they are and what to do. But don't just brush off your itchiness, mention it to your doctor and let them determine the cause of your itchy skin . As you can see, it can be as simple as dry skin or something more serious, like a liver problem. 
Okay enough talk about itchy things, it's making me so itchy and all I wanna do is scratch! But remember no scratching! I no it's was easier said then done!

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
My no show baby bump!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Turn that frown upside down!

Now that I'm in my third trimester, I can not get ahold of my emotions. One minute I'm fine, and the next I'm crying, for absolutely no reason. I wasn't always the one, who got insulted, by someone saying something offensive to me. But now I'll cry with actually tears, and it's so weird to me. Not only by telling me something the wrong way, would I cry. Now if you are getting me annoyed, and on my nervous, I'll just cry too.
I made supper one night, and my husband told me that I had put to much black pepper, I cried as if he just told me the worst thing has just happened, is that normal! Come to think of it, my husband must think I have gone crazy or something, like why in the world do I keep crying. I happened to make sure I don't do it in front of him, because I no I'm crazy. But I cry to much to hide all of them for him.
My crying feast, only really started in my third trimester, can you imagine if I had this the whole time! I no I sound crazy, but hey that part of pregnancy!
Another thing I have noticed that started, is I became a little OCD. Not actually OCD, OCD just like I need my stuff in there right spot, I want stuff done the right/my way, I'll make thing straight, little things that didn't always bother me. But real OCD is actually common in pregnancy, because of all the worries we have of becoming a parent. Or the true feeling we suppress during during pregnancy, like how you really not enjoying it, but you hide it, because you feel ashamed to think that way. Or because of our hormones changes, we or more prone to developing OCD. OCD can be a serious thing, so if you feel you may have it more then just organizing, then it's something to mention to your doctor. One of the ways to help OCD, is by talking to others who can relate, so it doesn't make you feel alone. Does that sound familiar? I have mentioned before that, that is the reason why I blog, so that you don't feel alone. I don't do it for OCD reasons, but the same concept is there... Your not alone!

There is a little game in this post, count the times I used the word cry/crying/cried and OCD. And guess the significances of that number.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
My no show baby bump!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!
Lets hope not to see this face so much!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Finding the right doctor!

For the first day of Chanukah, Ill talk about a different first, my first doctors appointment. When we found out I was pregnant, the first thing I did was call the OB to make an appointment. Finding the right OB for you, can be a hard process, I changed doctor 3 times. Some of you may have never even went to an OB/GYN before and wouldn't know where to start or who to call. I did go to on OB/GYN before but I
didn't like them, and did not want to use them for my pregnancy. The doctor I called was my sisters, she had mentioned her doctor once, and I took down the name and googled the number, so when the time came I wouldn't have to ask anyone. Great; that was easy right? Little did I know that they did not accept my insurance, I'm not sure why they didn't ask me over the phone, while making the appointment. But when they called to confirm, I was asked and then was told "We don't accept your insurance, but you can keep your appointment, but you will have to pay $500 for the first visit." oh great thanks, but no thanks Ill try another place.
I thought I was getting of easy, but I guess not. So now it was time to start the doctor hunt, an easy way to find out what doctor in your area accept your insurance, is just to call the insurance company and ask, and they will provide you with a whole list. But they wont tell you how good, or anything about that doctor. So now that you have a list, time to start making calls. First question to ask them, is if they are accepting new patients? If they are you can continue the conversation, if not then that's one off your list. Feel free to ask them if they can provide you with information about there office, some may even let you come in and check the place out. But don't expect receptionist to be nice. (Big mmistake I made) If you like how it sound or maybe you heard of that office before and got some great feed back, then you are ready to schedule your first appointment.
I had went through my list and chosen a doctor and had my first appointment set for June 24 2013. (I was 6 weeks) When the day finally came, I had no idea what to expect for this appointment. I get to the office, and I already didn't like it, the receptionist had her daughter there with her and it just made me very uncomfortable. Remember how pregnant women can smell everything? This place had a smell that was making me so sick. They called my name and took me to the back, where I saw a lady standing there holding her urine sample and another getting her blood drawn, no not privately in there room, this was out in the hall where they had a little section where the nurse did her thing.
I met the doctor, it was a little awkward, he was a quite guy, that let you do all the talking. But it was my first appointment and I didn't know what to say, so there was alot of awkward silence. He did give me a book (the one good thing I liked) I let the doctor and the nurse do there thing, what ever needed to be done, I let them do it but I knew I wasn't going back there. Time to find a new doctor!
As I was on the hunt again, I needed to speak to the doctor, but he was on call so they had a different doctor call me back. The doctor who called me seemed really nice, and was on the phone with me till all my questions where answered. So I did the brave thing, and asked him if I can come to his office, and he was more then happy to see me. I thought I hit the jackpot, what where the odds of a doctor I liked, be calling me. He gives me the office information, to give them a call to schedule an appointed. Funny enough, I call the next day to find out its the doctors office I had went to before I was pregnant. I figured ill give them another chance, since its a different doctor who see you when your pregnant anyways. I was 8 weeks by this appointment and my morning sickness was really acting up. I spent half my visit in the bathroom, with my head by the toilet, and a nurse rubbing a wet cloth on my neck. And the other half sleeping waiting to see the doctor. The nurse had been asking me really strange questioned, like if I have a boy who will be my mohel, and other questioned that I felt were just so not relevant at the moment, I was only 8 weeks! But I brushed it off because I haven't seen the doctor yet, and I still liked him. My appointment was going ok so far, I even felt conformable enough to tell them to invest in air refresher's, as there are plenty of pregnant women here, and I couldn't be the only one bothered by the smell. They laughed and said they will take it into consideration.
I wasn't trying to be picky, but something was bothering me that the doctor had said. So I had asked other people there opinion and they agreed that it wasn't appropriate for the doctor to have said that. I wasn't actively looking for a new doctor, I thought I'll give them another try. A few days before my appointment they called me saying, how the doctor wont be in and well need to reschedule. We had hung up without setting a new appointment.
I have been seeing a gastroenterologist, who is an amazing doctor, but is a little car ride away. I called and asked there office if they can refer me to on OB/GYN. They gave me someone who they were affiliated with. When I called, the receptionist on the phone was so nice, she stayed on the phone with me as we were looking online at all the different doctors, (its a group) and how there office is ran. She emailed me her information, and told me as soon as I get my medical record sent over, she will call me to schedule my appointment. My first appointment there was amazing. The office is nice, clean and no funny smells, everyone is friendly and there to make sure you are happy. My doctor is amazing, I guess third time really is a charm!
You may think I am crazy for changing so many times, but it is so important to like your doctor, it makes things alot easier. So if your not happy with your first, second or third doctor, don't be afraid to change. There is a doctor that is right for you, even if you have to travel a little like I do, its all worth it, you'll see!
P.S I recently received a call from doctor office number 2, asking if I had I changed doctors. Because they see I haven't had any follow up appointments since July.

Here's what to look for in up coming posts!
Babies heart beat!
My no show baby bump!
Memory loss?
Product reviews!
The advantage of exercise!
and much much more!

Happy Motherhood!!
Me at my first appointment, at the first doctor.